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"You got what?!"

Zayn tried his best to sound devastated about 'losing his job' (even though he actually quit, he told his colleagues that he got fired, saving all the explanation he had to give them for why he quit) as he packed up his work desk, taking his stuff back. His collegues were surrounding him, all of them shell shocked to hear that Zayn Malik got fired from Park Investors.

"Arianna probably fired him because she finally realized that he's way too hot for her," Taylor smirked, leaning against the wall casually. "She's been after him for months now."

"Arianna's sexy as hell," George interfered. "She's just a little desperate. Zayn doesn't know what he's missing out on, because damn, that woman's hot."

"Guys, if they fired Zayn, that means I'll be getting sacked next," Morgan said, very worriedly. "I'm so behind on that presentation I'll be presenting next week."

"You guys are so insensitive," Julia rolled her eyes, stepping forward and putting a hand over Zayn's shoulder. "This kid just lost his job. Could you be a little more caring?"

"Oh, please," Kris said, from her usual space in the office, her legs on the desk like usual, sipping her Starbucks. "Zayn's gonna be able to handle himself just fine. You know why? Because he didn't get fired."

Ah, shit. Zayn groaned inwardly, ignoring the collective gasps of confusion that emerged between the colleagues. Stupid Kris who knew everything.

"What do you mean?" Naina piped up from the corner, her dark brown eyes narrowing.

Kris' eyes twinkled mischievously. "Why don't you tell us, Malik?"

"Fine, alright, I quit," Zayn sighed, putting his hands in the air in mock surrender. "I need a break from this place and this atmosphere."

They exchanged glances and eyerolls. Typical youngster talk.

"Where are you going to go?" Morgan stared at him. "You do know that this office accommodates the place you're currently living in, so what are you planning to do?"

Zayn sucked in his breath.

And since he always acted before he thought through, he spoke haughtily- "I'm going on vacation. Right now, actually. Straight from here. I'm leaving this crazy city for a while and doing something that I actually want to do. I'm getting out of here before it drives me mad."

And for once, he meant it. He was going to get out of here before it was too late.



Her parents didn't even love each other.

Caden knew this. Everybody knew this. And she also knew the reason why her parents had stayed together for the past twenty three years. She knew why they stuck together through all the shouts, the wails, the slamming of doors, the crashes of furniture- she knew why her mother ignored her mascara stained cheeks and her father ignored his blood shot eyes. She knew.

The reason why they hadn't divorced and cut the suffering they had put themselves through, all the suffering they had put Caden through, was all because of the company.

Her grandfather had started that company. Foxview. Her grandfather- who had also been a money minded, self obsessed, selfish bastard- had gotten his first son forcefully married to the daughter of another businessman just for a work contract.

That was how it had started, why her parents were so unhappy in their lives.

And now, it was Caden's turn. It was her turn for her life to be ruined forever. Maybe this was the way of her parents to get their revenge. Since they had to go through all that misery, they were putting their own daughter through it.

Suddenly, Caden felt sick to her stomach.

All those years of playing alone in her balcony, watching her parents' limousines drive away to work everyday, watching her maids sweep through the marble floors of her empty home, all those years of sorrow brought in a quality into Caden that she didn't want to have.

It was a natural habit of hers- building walls around herself.

Maybe that was another reason why she only had three friends- one golden retriever, seventy year old Agatha, and Ashley- her only friend who was her age.


Caden pulled her cellphone out of her pocket, quickly glancing around in the subway she was currently in, before checking her texts. Ashley had replied to the text Caden had sent her earlier on, just before she had sneaked out. Caden sighed, going over the text, expecting this response from her best friend.

Ashley Johnson, 5:34 pm:- Caden, where the hell are you? you can't just text me that you're running away and expect me not to worry about it!!!! You do know that I'm currently sitting at your wedding right? And everybody here thinks you're still getting dressed!!!

Caden decided not to respond. It would be better that way. Her heart was still beating way too quickly, as the subway slowed to a stop. She glanced up and realized that this was her station. She sighed again before leaving the subway as fast as she could.

She had to get there fast.


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