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Z A Y N  J A W A A D  M A L I K 

"Why am I doing this again?"

Zayn couldn't help but glare down from the window at the blonde haired teenager who was crawling down the pipe.  "Because you're being forced to marry some creep if you don't. Now, be quiet and move faster!"

Caden huffed from down below, where she was slowly climbing down the pipe, with all the grip she could manage. "I'm making this look easy for you, apparently. This is the second pipe I've slid down in the past two hours. Give me a break."

The guards had been getting impatient outside the restroom door during Zayn and Caden's little chat, so Zayn had no option but to remove the glass off the window for their escape while Caden pushed the plush bathroom sofas against the door so the guards wouldn't barge in. (A/N- did that sentence even make sense?) Once Zayn had successfully opened the window, they realized that it opened up to reveal the back of the next building that was about ten meters away. Between the two buildings was a narrow alley, about twenty feet below from where they were standing, also known as their only escape. So before you judge them for coming up with such a stupid idea, you should know that they didn't exactly have too many choices.

And since the guards were just seconds away from breaking down that door, you couldn't blame Zayn for getting this impatient.

"Caden!" he hissed. "Come on! If you crawl down any slower, those guards will get me, and you'll run away."

"I'm almost there..." Caden's voice began to sound slightly farther away now, and Zayn threw another hurried glance over his shoulder at the bathroom door that was currently in the process of being shoved open by the guards. Finally, he heard- "Zayn, I've reached! Come down, quickly!"

Mumbling an exasperated finally under his breath, he threw one leg over the sill, before throwing the other one, and gripped the pole as tightly as he could and slid down with ease.

Four and a half seconds later, his feet smoothly touched the ground and he saw Caden staring at him, dumbfounded. She sighed sadly, staring at her feet. "It is so unfair how clumsy I am."

He smirked lightly as he watched her clutch onto the straps of her girly backpack, before he shook his head again. "I know right?"

They looked around at the dark, wet alley that they were standing in, before Zayn slowly proceeded forward, glancing around cautiously. 

"So what's the plan?"

He froze, before glancing back at Caden. "Weren't you supposed to come up with that one?"'

She frowned. "I thought you'd have something planned because you seemed to think that crawling out of that window was a great idea-"

"Caden, we can't stand here and talk all day," he reached forward, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. "They might catch us. Let's start moving, and then plan accordingly."

Was he overthinking or did he like the way her fingers automatically curled around his?

Zayn shook his head discreetly, trying to distract himself from his crazy thoughts, as they began to walk out of the alley, and into the streets. Zayn held her hand tightly as they pushed past people, trying not to lose track of each other amidst the crowd. 

"So where are we going?" Zayn heard Caden call from behind his shoulder as he pulled her along. 

"A friend of mine owns a small sandwich shop a few blocks away. It might be the perfect place for us to sit down and plan, and also to grab a bite," he couldn't help but notice the smile on Caden's face as soon as he mentioned the sandwich shop.

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