He looks nervous, and that brings a mile to my face. So the Zayn gets nervous? "I need to asks you something" he says and clears his throat. He looks me in the eyes as he mutters the next words carefully. "Sal jy my meisie wees?" he says looking amused and nervous at once.

"Wait are you serious?" I can't help but giggle at how he asked that question. That is most probably the cutest thing I have ever seen or head. I'm so amazed that he took the time to learn how to say it that I don't even answer back. I just smile at him.

"Do you want to hear it in English before you answer?" he asks "I'm not entirely used to this and I spent a lot of time with an Afrikaans dictionary" he says. I don't think my mouth works anymore at this point. "Okay here goes- will you be my girlfriend?" and suddenly he pulls a rose out of his jacket. He hands it to me but then continues to speak. "listen, yes I've had girlfriends before and I've asked them out and not once has it felt like this, but honestly I've always wanted something else regarding dating and my view on relationships has changed entirely since I met you. I really like you Mel and I want you to be mine, officially."

I'm stunned but this is what I've wanted for a long time so the answer is kind of obvious. "Yes." I say and engulf him in a hug, paired with a kiss on the cheek. "that was the sweetest thing ever, but this was so out of the blue."

"Well I was going to ask you next week since it would be one month since we've been seeing each other." he shrugs. "but I'm going on a business trip for a few days, might be longer. I'm leaving in a few hours so I thought I'd do it now before I leave." To be honest I never would have thought he would know how long we've been seeing each other but yet again, he surprises me.

I look at him and I can't help but feel lucky. This beautiful man wants me with all my faults and imperfections. I put the rose down and crash my lips on his. As always they're soft and welcoming. We deepen the kiss and I realize now more than ever that my feelings for this man seem to grow more each day. We still have a lot to learn about each other and this relationship may be moving too fast but I don't mind because so far the good outweighs the bad.

"Don't mess up my hair, I want to leave still looking good." He mumbles with a huge grin. My only response is to kiss him again with my hands still in his dark hair. I've been kissing him for a while now but till this day his kisses still excite me. When we break away with one last peck he pulls us down so that we're laying on the bed. I decide to hold his hand. I see that he's wearing the ring I gave him on one of his fingers.

"I like this ring on you." I say looking up at him from his chest.

"I like it too. My girlfriend bought it for me." And that word couldn't sound any better coming from his mouth in that soft deep voice, laced with his panty-dropping accent.

I contemplate on telling him about what happened seconds before he came but decide against it since that would most probably ruin this happy bubble that we're in. I've never really seen Zayn fight with someone and tonight is not the night I want to test it out. We continue sitting in my room, just talking until it's time for Zayn to leave. I offer taking him to the airport but he refuses saying its late and Jake is waiting outside anyway. So reluctantly I walk him to his car and he greets everyone on his way out.

"So I'll see you in few days, but we'll still talk on the phone yeah?" he says once we reach the car. I nod and kiss him yet again, deepening the kiss. I kiss him as though I won't see him for years. He turns us around and pushes me against the side of the car. The kiss intensifies. Tongues dancing and lips moving.

The kiss goes on for a while until someone whistles and calls out "Get a room!" We pull away both panting and out of breath. Zayn and I just stand there looking at each other. Not a word spoken, just a ridiculous smile on my face. He pecks me one last time and mummers "I'm going to kill your friends." as he turns around. We find all of them looking at as from the door. Literally all of them. With a sigh, I reply with "Me too, don't worry."

It suddenly dawns on me that Trevor probably saw that whole make out session. "Hey, why didn't you warn me." I gesture to the inside of the car. "Now Jake saw the whole thing." I don't even want to know what he was thinking.

"It's not the first time he's seen me like that." I slap his chest and he just chuckles. "No. not like that." he says between laughs. We finally say goodbye and I make my way to the door. Even though he's the one leaving, he waits till I make it inside before they drive off. I couldn't be any happier.

"So that happened." Cate says as I walk inside. "No wonder the pap's get so much pictures of you too, you just make out everywhere." She continues causing everyone to either smirk or wiggle the eyebrows at me.

"Shut up. No, we don't." before I even finish she interrupts me again, listing all the places we've supposedly made out according to her.

"This apartment, his apartment, the park, where mind you- kids play, his office, need I go on?" we're now sitting in the sitting area again, drinking as we talk and luckily no one is drunk yet except Cate and Carla, who are tipsy.

"I mean I understand, with a hunk like that, I'd also make out everywhere we go." Carla says and it causes me to laugh since it's the first time she's actually said something about Zayn.

"I agree." I say and clink glasses with the ladies to which the boys groan, causing us to look at the three of them.

"Can we please stop talking about your Mr. hunk. You are sitting in the company of other men. We do not want to hear about how you fangirl over other men." Mark says rolling his eyes as Trevor and Luke comment with an Amen after his little speech.

"First of all stop being jealous. But because we don't want to bruise your egos, were going to stop." Cate says.

So that's how the rest of the night goes till it gets too late and everyone starts to leave. Now everyone is tipsy considering the amount of wine or beer we drank. Everyone leaves, Trevor and Luke being the last as I walk them to the door. Trevor pulls me aside and tells Luke to go before him.

"Look I really am sorry about what happened earlier and I shouldn't have done it like that. And I feel bad. I'm sorry." he looks apologetic and somewhat guilty. I forgave him long ago and I really just want to forget about it. So I just pull him into a hug hoping that maybe he'll see I'm really not mad at him right now.

"Hey it's fine, let's just forget about it okay?" I ask and pull away. He nods and he heads out to his own apartment.

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