Chapter one- debt

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~Michael's pov~

"Sorry Mr. Lawson but you need to sell your company to pay your debt" my lawyer told me.

"But I can't lose my company, is there any other way to pay my debt?" I ask him feeling my nervousness. I can't lose this company, I can't be one of those filthy slaves.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lawson but there's no other way" he said.

-after a week-

I lose everything I have now. I lose my company, my slaves, my everything. My thoughts are interrupted by the knock at my door.

"Are you Michael Lawson?" The men in black question.

"Yes" I answer him suspiciously.

"Were here to inform you that you will be a slave now and will be auctioned by tomorrow" he said.

"No!!! You can't do this to me!"
I shout hysterically. I just helplessly limp while they drag me to their car.

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