Start from the beginning

Anyways, Slendy was currently playing with Barbie dolls.

Apparently, Barbie turned evil and was trying to kill Ken while he was trying to show is undying love for her.

Slendy was definitely weird.

Meanwhile Jeff and Toby sat on the windowsill that was behind Slenderp.

Jeff turned the camera to face Slendy and pressed a button to start recording.

Toby covered his mouth with a gloved hand to stifle his constant giggling.

Even Jeff couldn't suppress a slight chuckle.

The camera focused more on Slendy.

Jeff and Toby watched as Slenderp continued to play with his dolls.

Soon, Slendy had gotten bored so he decided to stop. BUT..... he decided to have another Twilight marathon. Yep.

Jeffy and Waffle Boy got some great footage.

Turns out, Slendy had Twilight products all over his office. How nobody noticed this is beyond me. Anyways, Slendy had put on a T-shirt that said ' Team Edward ' on it. He had posters, bed sheets, and even a MUG. Oh, Slender.

Jeff and Toby decided that when the first movie came on that that was their cue to leave. You see, they obviously didn't want to sit there and watch Slendy as he yelled at the TV screen, complaining about how Bella was being stupid.

Toby: Why does he even watch the movies if all he is going to do is yell at Bella?

Jeff: Don't ask me. All I know is that Slenderp has some serious issues.

The two teenage boys snickered as they jumped off of the windowsill, completely forgetting that they were three stories off of the ground.


~ Meanwhile in the middle of an ocean that is nowhere near the mansion ~

Dark Link was furious with Rhy. 

So was Sonic.

And Glitchy Red.

So was Lost Silver. 

Including Bloody.

And Puppet.

Did we mention Dark?

Yup, unfortunately for the author, they got away from the fangirls on a raft.

 On the bright side, one of them took Dark's hat!

No wonder he was acting like such a grumpy pants....

At that moment, Puppet snickered.

Dark: Why are you snickering?

Puppet: Oh? You didn't hear that?

Dark: Hear what?

Puppet: You seriously didn't hear that?

Dark: I didn't hear anything.

Puppet frowned and looked down at the water. Everyone then suspected that this had something to do with Rhy.

Then all of a sudden, Rhy appeared next to Puppet.

Dark saw her and immediately lunged a her, screaming in a voice full of rage. And he went right through her. Everyone on the raft screamed. Rhy rolled her eyes.

Me: You guys are sissies.

Sonic: H-how?

Me: Did you honestly think that I would be stupid enough to show up on this raft when Dark is out to kill me?

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