Directioner Interview with Crumpet2

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almost 14

You're a ___ girl:

Niall girl

Why did you choose One Direction to idolize?

I think they are really inspirational, they are amazingly cute and can sing really well. They make me laugh and they have really amazing personalities .

What type of Directioner are you?

A dedicated one :)

Favorite song from them?

Ugh I have so many...probably best song ever, last first kiss or rock me.

AN opinion you have towards them and their fans:

they have worked hard to get where they are now, and I'm really proud of them, and proud that the fans support them so much.

Are you proud to be a Directioner?

Definitely. It's the best fandom.

Favorite Girlfriend:

well I would say Perrie but she's a fiancé, so Eleanor.

Favorite Bromance:


Favorite Album:

Up All night

Do you like Best Song Ever?


Are you excited for Midnight Memories?

So much I'm preordering it :P

Favorite song they covered live on Up All Night Tour?

On X-Factor?

kids in America

Do you know any guy Directioner?

Yes I know quite a few

Favorite friend that is a Directioner on Wattpad?


Any words to the fans?

Keep supporting our amazing boys xx

She's awesome so go follow her and her friend!!

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