Non-Directioner Interview with NotWhatYouExpected

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Nikki / NotWhatYouExpected

Who inspired you to write?:

All of the other authors out there who have written amazing books!

What's your favorite book on Wattpad?:

Erm, I really don't know, there's so many to chose from. I think 'Alpha Bloodlines' if I had to pick, just because it was one of the first books I read on Wattpad.

Best friend on Wattpad?

Easy one: ibelieve17, she's awesome!

Who do you Idolize?:

Tonnes of people. I like different aspects of everyone, I suppose so there's really not just one person. 

Who do you idolize on line?:

Again, I'm really not sure (I'm so indecisive...) In terms of writing, I would say that I would want to write like Ally Condie, because her books are the best. 

Read or Write?:

Both. Most of the time it's write, because writing takes longer than reading. But /i do read lots too. It goes in phases. 

If you could do one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

It would be writing - and publishing that writing in some way. That's my ultimate goal!


Spiders, Slugs, Snails, Snakes, anything insect like, mushrooms...


Music, swimming, camping, reading/writing, laughing, hair and makeup, psychology.

Say anything to the fans?

Yes! Thanks to everyone who follows me and supports my stories, it means so much to me that you all enjoy my writing!

Quite an amazing person if you ask me. So if you're not following her go follow her.

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