Non-Directioner Interview with MB_Pryor

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Who inspired you to write:

It’s hard to say what inspires me because a lot of things do but at times I have a hard time getting inspired to keep writing

Best friend on Wattpad?

CosetteCloudCastle & Souleater98

Favorite Book on Wattpad?

I think my favorite book so far is My Wattpad Love

Who do you idolize in real life?

In real life? Um Sherrilyn Kenyon

Who do you idolize on the computer? (Like who do you look up to or want to write like)

I don’t think I idolize anyone on the compuuter

Read or Write?


If you could do one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

Write of course


Arrogant people, un-organization, writers block, people who don’t follow rules


carmel, glee, music, X-Factor, lion king (all)

She's awesome so go follow her, pwease!

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