Directioner Interview with KayTheWriter

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You are A ____ girl:


Why did you choose One Direction to idolize?

They all have beautiful voices, goofy personalities, and I haven't seen anything more attractive than them.

Favorite song from them?

Rock Me

An opinion you have towards them and their fans:

I don't have any opinions towards them, really. But the fans can get out of hand sometimes, and be crazy. 

Are you proud to be a Directioner?

Of course. 

Favorite Girlfriend:

Eleanor :) 

Favorite Bromance:

I'm not big on shipping the boys with eachother, but if I had to choose I would pick Narry.

Favorite Album:

Take Me Home

Do you like Best Song Ever?


Favorite song they covered live on Up All Night Tour?

Gotta Be You

On X-Factor?


Do you know any guy Directioner?

Not personally, but I've talked to a couple on Wattpad.

Favorite friend that is a Directioner on Wattpad?


Any words to the fans?

Check out my fan fiction, Falling For My Fan if you'd like. I'd appreciate it :)

She is really sweet, so go follow her and read her stories!

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