Non-Directioner Interview with BeautifullyLoved

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My name is


What inspired you to start writing?: 

I don't really remember reading something and saying, 'I want to write like they do!' I just have sorta always liked to write.

My best friend on Watt-pad?

Either emmalou_harris Miriam_dani66 or SantanderEmily! But I love all my followers! I call them my Beautifully's! 

Favorite book on Wattpad?

right now would be 'DARK' or 'The Catch Up'. But I've been reading quite a few.

Who do you idolize in real life?

I'm not exactly sure if you mean people that I know or real people (meaning not cartoons) So for a person that I know, My Dad! He is so smart and knows so many things! And is really creative and I just idolize him! (haha) And Fir The People I don't know, One Direction! They have taught me to be myself and to follow my dreams, even if you don't win you can still be something. And Demi Lovato, she's been through so much and she taught me no matter how bad it gets to be yourself and don't listen to the haters :)

Who do you idolize online?

I'm not sure, lol :) I haven't been on Watt-pad that long so I don't really know a lot of people!

Read or Write?

I like both! It depends on my mood. If I'm sad, then I like to read, if I'm really energetic I like to write! I update like crazy when I have to much caffeine (Like Today! I uploaded 2 NEW stories!)

If I could do one thing for the rest of my life:

I would sing and be a musician. Music runs in my family and it's what I love. I like to write, a lot, but I wouldn't want to do it forever. But I will write for as long as I can!


umm, I like A LOT of things! My family, One Direction, my best friend, food, fashion and makeup, music, TV, my phone and iPod, my computer, my life, and A TON more!


Mean or rude people. Not a fan of Big Time Rush, rings that are too small (Haha), turtlenecks (sorry!), school, humidity in the summer, but I like the warmth, the flu (had it this spring and it sucked!), tangled hair, chipped nail polish, and liars. There's A LOT of other things but I thought I'd stop there!

Anything you would want to say to the fans?:

Yes, Every one i'd like to say I love each and everyone of my Beautifuly's (My followers)! Thank you so much for reading and commenting and voting on my stories! I started this account for just fun I never thought anyone would read my stories.. much less like them! Thank you, thank you, thank you! <3

She was really quite sweet. Very hearfelt and loves everyone of her followers so go follow her.

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