Directioner Interview with flawlesstwist

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You are A ____ girl:


Why did you choose One Direction to idolize?

-It wasn't really that I chose them. It just sorta happened and they made me happy in so many ways then here I am today. If it would be logical to say that they saved my life, then my answer would be yes. But it's just along those lines. And they have taught me lots of things through what they do and who they are :)

Favorite song from them?

-I really love Irresistible and I Wish

An opinion you have towards them and their fans:

I know that they love me even if they don't know me. Their schedule is fully packed that they barely have enough time to thank us but I do appreciate it whenever they try to find time.

Are you proud to be a Directioner?

-More than anything.

Favorite Girlfriend:

Eleanor Calder

Favorite Bromance:

Narry/ Nouis

Favorite Album:

Take Me Home

Do you like Best Song Ever?

-Like? That song is freaking amazing. It defined my life. The message of that song just made my life. It's not a party song like anyone would think. It's a song that bring them and us together and closer.

Favorite song they covered live on Up All Night Tour?

-Stereo Hearts :)

On X-Factor?

-Torn :)

Do you know any guy Directioner?

-on Twitter but not here.

Favorite friend that is a Directioner on Wattpad?

-I don't actually have a favorite but I have friends and I love them all equally.

Any words to the fans?

-It would mean a lot if you could check out my fan fictions and I hope you like them. Stay beautiful~

She was absolutely incredible. We both had the same views on majority of the questions. I would follow her if I was you.

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