Directioner Interview with BeeRadical

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18 Years

You are A ______ girl:

Harry girl (ahahaha so funny)

Why did you choose One Direction to idolize?

i actually didn't. i hated them at first to be honest, but after many one direction sessions (sister showed me them) in 2011 i decided i did like them because of their personalities and beautiful singing voices.

Favorite song from them?

i love them all but if i had to chose it'd be I Wish because that was the first song by them i ended up liking

An opinion you have towards them and their fans:

ummm i dunno if this is a directioner question but, okay i love the boys, pretty much everything about their dorky, nerdy, weird, beautifully amazing, and cute demeanors but sometimes things can get crazy with the fans. like with ships, so personally i'm a Larry shipper and i don't like how other fans think we're automatically the bad guys. we're not. not all of us are innocent and yes i've gotten into an arguement with some girls over the matter but i try to refrain from it. i don't really mind who ships who. just don't go being rude to others. but Larry is love just saying ;) but that goes for anyone else as well who is getting hate for who they ship. leave the poor shippers alone. geez if they wanna ship Harry and the Queen of England then by george let them ship it! but if anyone is rude to my ship and my fellow shippers you best believe i'll be there to defend. sorry if this was long and not for me to answer....

Are you proud to be a Directioner?

yes i am actually. even though i can get upset with the constant arguing and differing opinions on some matters (to my fellow Larry shippers who tops?) haha but all in all i love the boys and i'm glad i'm here to support them. i'm thankful for my sister who got me into liking them even when i was stubborn and didn't want to.

Favorite Girlfriend:

umm i don't have one any more, i used to like Danielle but yeah. this is weird.

Favorite Bromance:

Niam is my favourite bromance.

Favorite Album:

gotta go with the original UAN :)

Do you like Best Song Ever?

Yes I might just say it's the BEST SONG EVER hahaha pun ;)

Favorite song they covered live on Up All Night Tour?

umm i liked when Louis sang Valerie it was the best :)

On X-Factor?

The Way You Look Tonight

Do you know any guy Directioner?

yes actually, my brother and my best friend

Favorite friend that is a Directioner on Wattpad?

Franzi :3 @theamericanme go look her up now ;)

Any words to the fans?

okay like before don't go hating on others for silly little things, and also don't go being jerks to people the boys are friends with and such. and also thank you for putting up with my weird rant/interview/mebeingme thing :) it was fun i love doing these! thanks and i hope you have a wonderful day <3

Very sweet girl so go check her out and talk to her when you get the chance!

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