People shot us weird looks as Josh tried to fish out the ice cube while I was busy biting my lip to try and keep a straight face. I could tell Josh's parents, who were sitting in the row behind us, had seen what happened and were chuckling to themselves. Josh finally managed to get rid of the ice cube and chucked it on the floor uncaringly.

He slowly and deliberately turned to face me, "That wasn't very nice."

"But it wasn't me!" I countered innocently and without smiling.

Josh gave me a look, "Yeah it was. I saw you."

"Wait, so let me get this straight. You were asleep but you saw me put an ice cube down your shirt?" I asked catching him out again in his lie.

He opened and then closed his mouth realising I caught him out. Then a very big and cheeky grin spread over his face. I shook my head but couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I put my hand on the side of his face wishing that the moment could last a little bit longer. Josh started to lean towards me but just before his lips met mine the speaker told us we were allowed to start disembarking the plane.

He sat back and sighed frustrated. I got up and walked passed him to get my bag from the overhead locker. Not even ten minutes after that were we lined up in immigration and then on to waiting to get to the luggage from the carousel. Josh being such a gentleman got them off for me and then we started for the car hire section of the airport.

Josh and his father went up to the counter because we were getting two cars, one for Josh and I. The second was for his parents. I stood out of the way with Josh's mother Lillian. She was so beautiful and tall. I could see some of her features in Josh. I wanted to start a conversation but I really didn't know what to say, so I kind of ended up standing there awkwardly.

Until she started talking to me, "He really likes you, you know."

I turned to her a little surprised and said the first thing that came into my mind, "I think I love him."

As soon as the words left my mouth I realised that was actually how I felt. Just then Josh and his dad started to make their way back towards us.

Lillian leaned closer to me and replied in a hushed voice, "That's good because I know he loves you."

My mouth dropped but I didn't have time to respond in any way because Josh reappeared at my side. I smiled up at him as he hugged me and when he wasn't looked turned back to Lillian who winked at me knowingly.

He took my hand in his and started to lead me to the door to where the cars were kept, "You ready to go for a drive?"

A little dazed at the new information I said abstractly, "I'd follow you anywhere."

He didn't think anything of it, "What colour car do you prefer?"

I looked at him funny, "That's a weird question. What colour car do you like to drive?"

He pretended to look like he was thinking seriously, "Red, black or blue."

We rounded the corner and I almost dropped everything I was holding.

"Are you freaking serious?" I asked my mouth hanging open.

In front of us spread out through the parking lot were maybe two dozen luxury cars like Ferraris and Porsches in all different colours. Now I understood why he wanted to know what colour.

"What? I like my cars," he said sheepishly.

Before I could say anything more a guy came up and explained that we could choose which ever car we wanted. He checked licences first and then let us go. It was funny as I followed Josh as he made a bee line for the car he had obviously had he eye on. A sleek, four door black Porsche. He stopped in front of it and just stared at it for like ten minutes. I almost started laughing because I couldn't understand the fascination with a car. But then again I am a girl and I grew up living a relatively low key life.

Josh turned to me, "Is this one ok?"

"Hey you're driving whatever you want is fine by me," I was barely able to keep a straight face.

He beamed a smile back at me and then I helped him load some of the luggage in to the car. Josh opened the door for me to get in and then walked around to the driver's side and got in. Josh just sat there for a few seconds before starting the engine. It didn't take a mind reader to know he liked the car. I put my seat belt on and in no time we were out on the road flying towards the centre of Vancouver and our hotel.

I didn't know where we were staying because Josh wouldn't tell me so when we pulled up outside one of the many Fairmont's I actually wasn't surprised. I mean the car and then the hotel wasn't a big leap. The hotel staff unloaded the bags and then parked the cars. Josh's parents checked in and we went for a walk around the lobby. The hotel was massive and there were people everywhere. The places basically spelled rich.

We walked passed two guys on who waved at us. Josh glanced at them but didn't really take notice. He kept walking for a few more meters and then stopped. He backtracked to the spot where the two guys were and a huge smile spread over his face. The two guys rolled their eyes and laughed at Josh. I kind of stood back not really knowing what to do.

Josh went as if to give one of them a guy hug (you know how they kind of slap each other on the back) but the other guy, who was tall muscly and blond, wrapped an arm around Josh's neck and started messing up his hair like someone would do to a little kid. Josh couldn't stop laughing but eventually managed to shake the guy off. He shook his head and tried to flatten his hair out. The whole time the smile never left his face and I got the feeling that the three of them were long-time friends.

"What are you guys doing here?" Josh asked.

"What do you think?" the other guy asked who was equally as muscly but had golden brown hair.

"Did my dad ask you to come because I know he organised some people to come but he didn't say who?" Josh guessed.

"Hey so there is something up there after all," blondie tapped Josh on the fore head and Josh just pushed him away playfully.

"Well it's really good to see you Chris and Daniel," Josh said sincerely.

Then he turned around and ushered me forward smiling happily. I walked up and stood close to Josh silently slipping my hand into his. He squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"This is Jezebel but I guess you already know that right?" Josh checked.

"Yeah, we know Jezebel," the brown hair guy smiled at me.

I didn't really get how he knew me because I didn't know him or the blond dude.

I figured they were going to be hanging around for the trip for security reasons so I thought I'd better learn their names. I knew one was Chris and one was Daniel but which one was which?

"Can I ask a question?" I inquired of no one in particular.

"Shoot," the blond guy replied.

"Which one of you is Chris and then who is Daniel?"

Josh laughed and answered my question. It turns out that the blond guy was Chris and Daniel had the brown hair. Josh then whispered in my ear that they were both vampires. I nodded to say that I had heard him and then our party of six headed up to where the rooms were. If I thought the lobby spelled out rich then the rooms basically oozed money and wealth. The room I was in was a suite and had two bedrooms. Josh's parents were just down the hall and Chris and Daniel had the suite opposite ours.

The room well actually rooms were absolutely massive and incredibly beautiful. Together we brought in the bags and then crashed for a moment on the couch. Lillian and Josh's dad, Derik, walked in to quickly talk to us before they headed off.

"We're going out now on business, so you kids can do whatever you want. I wouldn't go to Grouse Mountain today because it's a bit cloudy. But I hear the weather is going to be better tomorrow," Josh's dad rattled off.

He paused trying to think of anything else to add, "Don't go anywhere without Chris or Daniel alright."

The two of them started for the door but then he turned back, "I almost forgot! I booked the suite because it had two rooms but if the two of you would prefer to use just the one bedroom that's all right too."

That was all he said before he closed the door behind him leaving Josh and I sitting on the couch one hundred per cent embarrassed. If not one thing than this week was certainly going to be interesting.

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