Part 1 - Eren's Undying Love

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(Eren's P.O.V)

My hand was tightly balled into a fist and hovered over my heart while my arm comfortably sat against my back. My chin was lifted up and my emerald eyes gazed into the Corporals beautiful grey ones. "Yeager!" I tightened my fist at the sound of my name coming from his smooth kissable lips. "You will be training with me again." I couldn't help but smile at this newfound fact. Another day with Levi. Can today get any better? "This time we'll be training alone." Yes, yes it can. "Yes Heichou!" 


"Eren, what's up with the massive smile? You haven't stopped smiling this whole time we've been talking." Armin, my very intelligent blonde friend. "I'm just happy." I shrugged my shoulders, not exactly planning on telling him that I'm in love with Levi. "No there's more to it." Armin leaned closer towards me over the table we were eating on. I lent back, trying to get further away from him. "Something's been going with you recently, Eren. We want to know what's happened." Mikasa, who was sitting next to me, said. "You don't need to know." I crossed my arms defiantly. "Yes we do. We're your best friends." Mikasa gently put her hand down on my shoulder and smiled up at me. It's been known to me, Armin and practically everyone in the Survey Corps that Mikasa has a thing for me and I only see her as a sister. I shrugged off her hand. "You've found someone haven't you?" Armin excitedly asked, a smile plastered on his face. A dark shade of pink covered my cheeks. "" Armin lent even closer, interested. "I-it's not like we're a thing...I just really like them..." I looked down, embarrassed. "Who is she?" Mikasa timidly asked, a hint of hope laced into her voice. My face reddened even more. "He." It came out as a whisper, my nerves getting to me. "'re gay.." Me and Armin both knew how heartbroken Mikasa was. I let out a sigh and turned to Mikasa. "I know how you feel about me Mikasa. I do love you but as a sister. I'm sorry." Her frown only hardened as she shot up from her seat. She suddenly crashed her fists down onto the table, grabbing everyone's attention. "I fucking love you Eren! Why can't you see that I'll be better than any guy you're gay ass can fall in love with!" Furious, I stood up and crashed my fist into her jaw. Before she could even react a much stronger fist collided into her face, causing her to fall onto the floor. "In no way are you allowed to treat Eren like that!" Levi turned to me and gently took a hold of my hand. He lead me out and took me to his office. After he closed the door and took a few steps closer to me a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, causing my heart beats to quicken and my smile only widened. "You should smile more often." Levi raised his arm and gently ran his fingers through my hair. "And why's that?" I lent into his touch. "Because it looks beautiful on you." Levi stopped his hand and looked straight into my eyes. "You think I'm beautiful?" I nodded my head, looking right back into his eyes. "And strong, and intelligent." Levi rested his forehead against mine. "Stop that." His voice, no longer stern and frightening but calm and loving. "Stop what?" I closed my eyes, grinning and enjoying the moment. "Stop making me feel this way. Making me" Without any hesitation I crashed my lips onto his smooth ones. Soon enough he kissed back.


Me and Armin were walking and discussing Mikasa. "When you and Levi decided to disappear I had to help Mikasa." I groaned and looked over at Armin. "What bullshit did she come up with this time?" A high pitched chuckle came from Armin. "Actually she was just going on and on about how you were gay....actually talking about you being gay. Who is it?!" A blush found its way onto my face. "Marco?" I shook my head, chuckling. "Jean?" I burst out laughing. "Horse face? No way!" A smile slowly grew on his face. "Levi!" I shut my mouth as the blush on my face got darker. "I knew it!" I lightly hit his shoulder. "Ooooh did you guys do something when you disappeared?" I hit his shoulder again, giving him a look that says shut the fuck up. "We may or may not have kissed." I looked to the side to hide my still darkening blush. "Hah! You guys are so cute together!" 

"Armin! Shut the fuck up!" 


First chapter. YAY! The next chapter will be up soon. I have a lot of spare time because I'm on a half term holiday at the moment. Also, smut will be contained in this story. Just pre-warning you.

This chapter has not been proof read yet.


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