Chapter 11

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Felicity didn't get to spend much time researching flowers before she was called to a family breakfast. She dusted herself off and bid Owen goodbye, only getting a half-hearted wave from her best friend who was sprawled out, entranced by some nature encyclopedia. She passed through the hallways of her home -- hallways that in a few months she would be leaving. On the walls hung portraits full of Epsilon's past rulers. Felicity had every story, every adventure, every word they'd spoken memorized. She couldn't help but ache at how much she would miss this dimension; she was in love with every aspect of the culture she grew up in.

She didn't know anything about her future home and it's untraditional culture. What if all of Zeta's royalty were corrupt? She shook her head at the ridiculous notion. James maintained a good relationship with their king. And Peregrine seemed nice enough.

Peregrine. She had almost forgotten the reason she would end up leaving this place. And that's assuming he liked her. But why else would he be so kind to her, affectionately tease her the way he did?

If he asked for her hand in marriage, Felicity would say yes. Her nervousness and doubts were nothing compared to the benefit the alliance would bring to the kingdom.

She was brought back to the present at the sound of her brother's laugh. "Felicity! Happy Birthday!"

She scanned the room for his source of joy: a giggling Cecily. "Where's Samantha?" she asked.

Her eyes were glued to her niece. "Not feeling well. But Cecily was more than happy to take her place, right?" He pressed the tip of her nose, resulting in another giggle.

Felicity sat down next to her. "You're lucky. For Adelina's birthday, my parents sent me off to Beta for some political lessons. Really, just wanted me out of their hair."

James finally seemed to look at her. "You loved the faeries."

"They only seemed eager to trim me for ruling a country- as if they knew I would one day be queen. And hopefully, after meeting my suitors, I will find the prospect likely." He smiled at her.

"But you know what I would have loved even more than the faeries? Being with my sister."

As a few servants came in with hot platters, he glanced at the empty chair. "Speaking of your sister..."

"She went into town to get a dress."

His hand tightened around his fork. "You have got to be kidding me."

Felicity remained silent.

"I can't take her anymore, Felicity. I've tried-"

"Well, please don't stop trying yet. Just make it through this weekend, okay? For me?"

He sighed and began to shovel eggs into his mouth. "Fine," he muttered between bites. "But she's this close-"

"I'm here!" Adelina burst in and sat down next to Felicity. "I told you I would hurry."

Felicity sent a surprised smile her way. "Thank you."

"Of course, princess." Adelina also began to shovel eggs into her mouth.

Seeing that half of Cecily's eggs had ended up in her hair, Felicity laughed to herself. Despite their titles, they all had their moments where their manners escaped them.

James didn't seem to think anything was funny. He stayed silent the entire breakfast, refusing to look at his disappointing sister.

Adelina was trying to cool her breath after high-tailing it back to the palace. She needed the fresh air this morning after the long night, but she also needed to be there for her sister. That didn't keep her thoughts straying far from the dining table, evidenced only by the random self-conscious adjustment of her gown or hair, even though she'd be receiving an entire makeover as soon as the meal was done.

The somberness slowly began to affect Felicity, seeping into her bones and weighing her down. She hadn't realized how much her parents had glued her family together until they were gone.

She tried to ignore the growing awkwardness in the room, even though no one but herself seemed to notice it. Would they ever be united again?

She would be leaving soon, and that looming alienation to her home worried her.

Perhaps their family was too broken to be fixed.

Perhaps that's why she was so willing to leave.

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