Chapter 4

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Adelina was dragged out of her book by her sister clearing her throat, which reminded her of the chat she'd been meaning to have with Felicity.

"I think it's time we have a heart-to-heart before James tries to dibs it," she remarked, patting the spot next to her on the step which Felicity dutifully filled.

Felicity was eager to. "I'm nervous."

"Wow, that was way more open than I thought you'd be." Adelina stretched out on the stairs, trying to get comfortable. Felicity winced at the wrinkles she was causing to her dress. "And why is that?"

Felicity looked around at the gigantic hall, with its high ceiling and shiny floors. She tried to imagine it filled with people celebrating her, but didn't want to. "I don't know. That's what's bugging me. I know that I'm supposed to find my husband at this ball, but-"

"Um, hold up. I didn't." Adelina sat up and smiled at Felicity.

"Well, yeah, but this is important. We need this alliance so-"

"We'll be fine, Felicity. Is James filling your head with this nonsense?" Adelina began to stand up, but Felicity pulled her back down.

"No, no, no, no, no. It's not any of that. I've seen James's documents, and-"

"You looked in James's stuff?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Does he know?"

"Well, no, but-"

"Felicity!" Felicity shrunk back, waiting to be rebuked. Adelina patted her back. "I didn't know you had that in you."

Felicity blushed. "Well, it's not like it's confidential or anything..."

"Whatever makes you feel better, princess."

A moment of silence encompassed them as their thoughts spun with the day's information.

Felicity thought of having to make a guy fall in love with her, something she had no idea how to do. Seducing boys was Adelina's thing. She was scared she'd fail her brother, and more importantly, the kingdom.

Adelina thought about her trip through town. As much as she hated to admit it, they could really use the wealth the Zeta dimension would give them if a union was forged. Times were getting tougher for the people in the kingdom, and she didn't know how much longer they could hold on. Not that she'd tell sweet Felicity this, of course. She'd wait and confront King James about another way that didn't involving selling her sister. It was too barbaric for even her to comprehend. While Epsilon had migrated into this dimension 200 years ago, they had long outgrown using primitive methods to gain alliances.

She adjusted her annoying sash wrapped around the waistline of her ankle-length gown. As much as she didn't want to admit it, the royal family was still stuck in the past.

But this was just too much. Felicity would most certainly not be getting married at only 15. Adelina was sure of it.

Footsteps behind them snapped them both out of their separate thoughts. They turned in alarm to see only Owen. "Princesses." He bowed.

"Owen! Nice to see you around." Adelina called out, ushering him forward. If anyone could sweep Felicity out of her nervous state, it was Owen. "Guess what I found today?"

He raised his eyebrows, which was enough encouragement for Adelina. She pulled the book she'd discarded earlier out of her basket. "Pride and Prejudice." She read off the spine.

Owen covered his face with his hand. "Don't tell me you're going romantic on me."

Adelina laughed. "Not in a million years. But I've read all the fantasy books in the library three times, and the librarian said I should give this a try. I thought I might as well try and extend my horizons."

"And extend, you shall. I can see you becoming a future Jane Austen yourself, Adelina."

"What, having the greatest love story ever told?" She batted her eyelashes.

"Oh, you're mistaken, princess. Jane Austen never married. She was probably a crazy old cat lady who talked to herself."

Adelina hit him with the book. Owen gave her a cheeky smile before plopping next to Felicity.

"Well, I better start collecting cats now," Adelina said, holding up the book and walking out, leaving the two buddies alone. She opened her book to where she left off and spent the afternoon devouring words.

The rest of the family spent their day less contentedly.

King James retired to a silent wife, focused on her once again painful pregnancy.

Felicity realized even Owen couldn't improve her state of emotions, and therefore assumed something was wrong with her. She spent the night making pros and cons lists, thinking sleep was overrated.

And the two parents of these children lay underground, lost in their last breaths.

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