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Felicity paced back and forth in front of the door to the balcony. She couldn't seem to get the nerves out. Her coronation ceremony was almost finished.

That is, everything except the speech.

Owen noticed her pacing and smiled. "Stop it, you'll be great." His suit matched hers again, and she couldn't help but wonder if Tailor Fredericks knew more than he let on.

Not that there was anything going on. That would be ridiculous.

Of course, if Owen felt something...

Owen walked over to wrap her in a hug. She snuggled deeper into his embrace.

"I wish your father was here to walk me through this."

"I do, too." He sighed and squeezed her tighter.

"Good luck," he whispered into her ear before releasing her. "I'll be back," he said, heading downstairs to find her other advisors.

She began doing breathing exercises. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2-

"Felicity! Sorry I'm late! I was talking with Mrs. Walden and I lost track of time," Adelina said in between her panting. Tailor Fredericks had come up with a great design for her in honor of the ceremony.

It also happened to be the color of lilacs.

She decided Tailor Fredericks definitely knew more than he let on.

"It's okay," she said. "I'm just freaking out over here a little bit." She glanced behind Adelina. "Where's Peregrine?"

"He said he had to grab something important in Zeta." Her eyes twinkled just talking about it. "Something he's been holding on to for a long time."

Felicity knew she wasn't imagining the blush spreading across her sister's cheeks.

"He said he would be in the crowd for your speech. And join us for the celebratory ball after."

"He's going to be upset learning that you don't like to dance."

"My mind has strangely been changed to the idea."

"Yeah, sure." Felicity rolled her eyes.

"Well, you try to dance with other people besides Owen."

"I beg your pardon!"

"Everything ready?" Dave burst in with his palace uniform, now with a golden medal to represent his promotion to head of the royal guard.

Of course, James hadn't agreed, but at least he was warming up to the idea.

Because James understood second chances better than anyone.

No, Felicity corrected herself. She looked at Adelina, who was humming and swaying to her own beat. And then she thought of the past year, and how much she had grown up.

Her whole family had learned the full meaning of second chances by now.

"The Alpha ambassador isn't here yet," said Adelina.


Dave turned as James rushed into the room. "Will you watch Cecily for me? She insisted it be you."

"It would be my pleasure," the guard replied with a smile as Cecily latched onto his back. "And Adelina, Alison has been dying to have you come over for supper. In fact, the whole royal family is invited if they're willing to get a little dirty." He winked at Adelina.

"I've been dying to come," she remarked with a grin, smiling reassuringly at Felicity, who was just remembering she would be giving a speech right away.

Adelina put her hands on Felicity's shoulders. "Now, remember, let them know you are a caring ruler."

"But don't be too informal," added James. He affectionately wrapped an arm around Felicity. "You will do great."

Adelina squeezed in so it was a group hug. "We just know it."

Owen came dashing in. "Of course, I leave for two minutes and now you are all here. Now, are you ready?"

Felicity let a big breath out, nodded, and opened the doors to a deafening yell. She tried not to let her citizens see how flustered she was.

"Ladies and gentleman," shouted James. "As representative of Alpha, I appoint and present your new Queen, her royal Highness, Felicity."

The crowd roared, sending courage into Felicity's heart, her pulse slowing down.

She stepped up to the railing and lowered her chin, officially beginning her reign.

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