Chapter 14 - Love Thats Right Like A Glove

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Standing by the front door I'm waiting for Lana to come down. The longer she has us wait the more nervous I become. Starting to pace I, my mind is running over so many questions......

Did she change her mind?

What's taking her so long?

Why is this girl dressing like were going to prom? I told her to dress casual, but I hear a shit load of stuff being moved up there. Shit sounds like were having construction done.

After 10 more minutes I hear the door open and down walks Lana. God she looks stunning in her dress.. I guess I should describe her dress, just let me close my mouth first.

She walked down wears a all red gown that had a slit on the side. On her feet she had black shoes. Carrying a black purse over her shoulders. And I know the out fit doesn't sound like much but damn if in person it doesn't make my mouth water.

I guess I should describe my own outfit?

Well I myself am wear a pair of black jeans. On my feet are a pair of black and purple sneaker. And lasts a white button shirt with a black and purple sweater vest, Nice right? Well if you don't like go fuck yourself.

Anyways let the date begin.............

The Date Day 1-

Outside I had a cab waiting for us to take us to upstate New York. What Lana doesn't know is that in the trunk I packed us 2 more outfits each to last us the weekend. And have already gotten permission from her mom to go up there, hell her mom helped get the cabin for me.

As we drive off I look out the window and take a deep breathe. I need to relax and just go with the flow. But what if she doesn't like it? What if I throw up, because got my stomach is doing back flips right now.

Why does she make me so nervous?

Still looking out the window I feel her hand slide into mine and squeeze it. I guess I looked nervous blushing deeply I squeeze her hand back. We've got a hour left to drive I inform her, getting a shocked look and some questions.

Lana – where are we going that takes so long to get there?

Me – (replying quickly) upstate......

Lana – (mouth hangs open) But what about my mom shes gonna freak.....

Me – No she wont (smiling), because she helped me set it up

Lana – She did what!

Me – helped me, now if your done with the questions lets just nap for now. (patting my lap)

Lana slides over and lays her head on my lap. As she drifts off I play in her hair and massage her head. When I think shes sleep I whisper to her that I loved her. Relaxing I doze off myself............

A hour later -

I had the cab driver take the stuff out for us before I woke Lana. Once he had everything inside I shook her awake, and might I add it was a task because she looked so adorable laying on me. It pained me to wake her but I did. Leaning down I kiss her and her eyes shoot open. I guess she forgot we were in a cab because she kissed me back with such force I always ripped her clothes off.

Breaking the kiss I help her out of the cab and walk Lana to the door. Running back to the cab I give him a 100 for the ride and a tip for setting up our bags and other stuff. Walking back to her, then open the door to the scene I set for the date.

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now