Chapter 2 - Just Like Any Other Day

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Walking to the bus has always been a relaxing thing for me, it

gives me time to think and get my mind together to prepare

myself for another day at school. Once I get to the bus I see my

friends Daren and Stephanie, man do I love these guys they

have stuck by me through a lot and never left during all the

gossiping. I see the 20 bus driving down so I pull out my change

purse and get on. After about a 40 min bus ride we get off and

walk to the gate of our school. Now I don’t go to a private school

I just happen to go to a uniformed public school with a religious

name, which makes no sense to me but it is what it is. My school

is pretty big we have exactly 4 floors and a track field, about 100

class rooms and a gym with an indoor pool on the schools roof.

Anyways my schedule goes like this

Period 1 Honors Science

Period 2 Honors Social Studies

Period 3 Study Hall

Period 4 Gym / health

Period 5 Level 1 Spanish

Period 6 Lunch

Period 7 Honors English

Period 8 Cooking

Period 9 Art / music

Yeah I hate it I don’t even think I’m all that smart but the school

feels I am, they say I’m just lazy and need to be challenged. Yeah

whatever, I just don’t like school but what teen does? My day

goes as it normally does as soon as I walk in to door I feel eyes

following me as I walk to my locker and I can hear whispers

about me , but I don’t care what they’re saying it nothing new to

me so the hurt doesn’t come anymore. So to science I go which sadly is on the 1st floor, with a head held high and music in ears.

1st Period Science –

We are learning some shit about maps and how to find out if

there is a storm coming. I could care less about this it’s not like

I’m going to need to know these things 10 years from now. So I

plug my ears back in and listen to my 50 cent playlist and doze

off. I don’t know how long I was out but when I woke up I saw

my teacher standing over me and an empty class. So I pick up

my bag and try to run out to my next class but too late my

teacher had already called me back to have another one on one

talk. I walk back in with I’m sure annoyed facial expression but

don’t want to get back into trouble. And so the talk begins ……..

Mr. Hart – what’s wrong Natasha?

Me – nothing, why do you ask?

Mr. Hart – you used to be so into school and pay attention, now all you do is sleep and when your awake you just look lost and dazed.

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now