Chapter 5 - Karmas A Bitch isn't it

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I race to the street and try to find a cab to get to the hospital,

damn I really should have asked Lana where I was and for her

number. I guess if I am really supposed to know her I’ll run into

her again, hopefully under better circumstances. I finally find a

cab after almost 30 minutes (fuck) and tell them the hospital.

Once I get there I walk up to the desk and asked about my

mother, but I had to have one of those bitchy nurses who make

you want to smack the shit out of them for ignoring you. After

another 10 minutes the messed up weave, fucked up teeth,

“Dragon Tales” looking bitch finally gives me the information I

needed. Now I am not mean I just hate when people are rude

for no reason. I feel like if you work in a hospital you should

have some type of a heart. Thank god my mom is out of

surgery, I guess I should get her some flowers.

I get to her room and I am shocked to see her look so helpless,

it just reminded me about her being sick before. I guess I should

explain a few years ago my mother was deadly sick with breast

cancer and almost died. So I spent the better part of my

preteens in hospitals and taking care of her in her sick state. I

watched as the woman I once saw standing strong and fear

less, was destroyed in a matter of months. But this is now and

that was the past, she needs me now and that’s exactly what

I’m going to do. At the end of the day if we can’t take care of

our own family, how can we ever care for others?

2 weeks later -

We’ll my mom and I have been getting along, then again she is

in a coma. The doctors say she can wake up any day now so for

now I just have to wait. Surprisingly since she’s been gone I

haven’t cut or drank, I guess she truly was my problem. On a

different note I’m back at school, I start again tomorrow. Turns

out hitting someone with a lunch tray is a 2 week suspension,

who would’ve known. I still stick to my first thought the bitch

deserved it. Let’s hope exams didn’t start yet, and that this

chick finally let go I’m really not in the mood for a fight. Plus

shit at home is actually good so if she tries to fight me I might

throw the fight so I don’t get suspended.

What the fuck I hate mornings they feel like a sick form of

torcher that the school system came up with. No one in their

right mind can function this early in the morning, even more so

no one can actually learn shit. But this is what I have to do to

make sure they don’t put me in a temporary foster care, the

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin