Chapter 1 - A Better Life or So It Seems

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So I’m a little nervous about posting this, this will be the first time I’ve attempted to write a story so

please be nice ( LoL ).  Wish me luck and i hope you like the opening.


 Introduction >>>>> This is a story of the up’s and downs of living in this world and how with time even

 the worst situations can become bearable. I decided to write this to help some of the people out there

 that may have felt or may feel as I once did and still do.


The bass was strong as I walked inside my friends party now I

don’t like hanging with a lot of people, but give me a drink and

I’ll be set to party all night. Now i am a 14 year old sexually free

female who happens to live in New York and be full of dreams

of becoming a writer, doctor and psychologist i know alot of

things but i know i can acheive all of these things because im

me. But enough of this I’m heading to the dance floor, as I’m

dancing to tipsy by J-kwon and I am finally feeling the drink I


After a while I look over the left and see a pretty hot looking

chick so I make my way over to her, for she’ll be my pray for the

night. It doesn’t take much to get her to follow me upstairs the

routine is all too familiar. I say all the right words, listen a little

while they talk about a jerk boyfriend or girlfriend, after about

30mins I ask them to follow me because it’s too loud. Once me

and whatever she said her name was are upstairs, we sit on the

bed, AS she begins to speak again I look her in the eyes which I

must say she does have amazing striking brown eyes. I lean in to

kiss but she moves away. This doesn’t bother me for I have a

plan for this situation too, my words and I quote always are “oh

my god I am so sorry I didn’t mean to try that I was just in the

heat of the moment and looking at you looking so sad over such

a jerk I kept thinking if you were my girlfriend I would never

treat you wrong “.

At this point the girl looks shocked but always flattered, you

never want to seem too eager so you give them time to process

what you said. Usually if not always the look you in the eyes and

say is that really how you feel I then say yes you are so beautiful,

you might be wondering why I bother with females if sleeping

with them is this hard but I do love the reward of sex with them

then with a male. I lean back in for a kiss this time she doesn’t

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now