Chapter 8 - The Mind Of A Deceiver

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Wheaties

So we have been back in school for about a month now, I’m in

the flow of my classes and things are going great. I even spoke

to my mom, which was a pleasant surprise. Things with me and

Anna are calmer too, but I must say she has been acting weird

lately. Then again I could just be feeling guilty. You see I did go

to the movies with Mark, but we didn’t do anything. He is just

a really sweet guy, and it’s nice to have someone new who

doesn’t know about my past. We went to the movies and then

after picked up something from Mickey D’s, then he walked me

how and that was the end of it.

Granted since then I’ve hung with him at least twice a week, I

feel like I’m cheating but I know I’m not. I know how Anna feels

about him, but we are just friends. If it was anything more I

would be talking to him. I think I’ll stop talking to him, yeah

that’s best because if she finds out she is going to leave me. Or

assume the worst and think I was cheating because I hid it. So

to avoid all those dramas get rid of him, ugh but I’m going to

kind of miss him. I got it I’ll think it over tonight then do what’s

best tomorrow, yeah I know I’m a genius.

After all this thinking I think I want to lay down.

Yeah laying down is so not helping, because now im thinking

about how Anna’s been acting. It’s weird she’s kind of distant

and been like this for like a week now. I know it’s not school,

because I see her all day, so what could be wrong?

Maybe she found out that I’ve been talking to Mark?

No if Anna knew she would’ve told me, or yelled. She seems

almost guilty of something herself. Yet whenever I ask about it

she claims to be tired or stressed about some test. I don’t really

believe this but I can’t make her talk so I just have to wait and


Looking at the time I realize Ive been lying here thinking

most of the night and have to get up for school in a hour.

Looks like I'm not sleeping until later, ugh fuck my life. I

mine as well get ready now an make me and Anna


After a hour long shower I'm in the kitchen whipping up

some pancakes and bacon to take up to her in bed. Fixing

up her tray I walk up the stairs and knock on her door,

waiting I still don't hear anything. Five more minutes of

waiting I open her door to find her bed empty, what the

hell? There is no way she could've left this morning

without me knowing. Then again I don't recall hearing her come home last night either. This is the 

4th time she hasn't come home lately. When we get out of school todays he has some serious

Just A Glance (Lesbian) ( Unedited version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें