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Travis's POV
After a long and stressful week of work, Zane, and sleep, I finally have a few days off. Naturally, I want to spend it with Zane, (like always) until I get a text from Dante.

Dante: yo Trav, Garroth,
Laurance, Aphmau, Katelyn,
Nicole and I are going to lunch
Saturday, you and Zane
wanna come?

Travis: sounds great
what time

Dante: 1 at Olive

Travis: k

I shut off my phone and drove over to Zane's from Food4Less, and pulled up in his drive way. I get out and bring in the groceries with me, and let myself in.

"Hey Zane!" I called out. I heard footsteps from upstairs, and then saw him as he walked down the stairs.

"Hey Traaasvis,"

"We're going to lunch at Olive Garden with the guys and a few others, sound good?"

"Can't wait," he said in a monotone voice as I put groceries in the fridge. After putting the groceries away to take back to the guy's house later, I sat down on the couch with Zane, where he was on his phone.

"Be back in a sec," Zane said as he got up and walked down the hall. As he was gone, I closed the curtains and turned off the lights, putting Attack On Titan on, and getting a blanket out. It's Zane's favorite series, so he'll hopefully like this.

He walked back in, and looked at me, his eyes glistening. "How did you know I wanted to watch this?" He asked, climbing under the blanket with me.

"You were talking about it yesterday, I figured we could binge together today,"

"Travis.. Thank you," he whispered as the intro started, as he rested his head on my shoulder and held my hand. As it got later and later, Zane was falling asleep, and so was I, until my eyes closed and rested my head on the couch. I quickly set my phones alarm for 8:00, put my arm around Zane, and fell asleep.

Zane's POV
I had sleeping peacefully, until an alarm went off, from Travis's phone. I grabbed his phone and turned it on, then tapped his shoulder.

"Travis! It's 12:00!" I whispered as his eyes slowly opened.

"Shit.." He said groggily as he sat up. Travis went into the kitchen and grabbed the groceries, and put them on the table. "I'm going to the guy's house, come over when you're ready and we can carpool to Olive Garden." I nodded as he grabbed his stuff and walked out the door.

Unwillingly I got up and put on my usual gray sweatshirt and black skinny jeans, and black Converse. I walked into the bathroom to take my medicine for irregular heartbeat, but the capsule was empty. I doubt it will be a problem as long as I eat. I grabbed my wallet and phone and walked over to the guys house, and let myself in, to see Garroth on his laptop, Travis drinking coffee, Dante pacing around while on the phone, and Laurance reading a book.

"Okay, time to head to Olive Garden," Dante called out to everyone. "Get in the car!" All of us got up and went into the garage and got in. Dante drove with Laurance in the passengers seat, while Garroth, Travis and I sat in the back.

"So.. Travis, Zane, you guys are a thing?" Dante asked.

"Yea, we are." Travis said as he grabbed my hand, while my face was red.

"You guys make a great couple though," Dante said as he turned up the music. I nodded, and I stared at Garroth. He looked back at me, and oddly enough, smiled. As the car rushed down the highway, Dante jerked the steering wheel and started cursing under his breath.

"Fuck.. I just missed the exit.." Dante muttered, as everyone in the car groaned. After a half hour of detours, we pulled into the parking lot, to be greeted by an angry Katelyn.

"Why are you guys late?!" She beamed. You could see beads of sweat on Dante's face, poor guy, Katelyn is about to sock him in the face. And then she did, and he fell on the ground. We all rolled our eyes as Dante stood up, and walked into Olive Garden in silence. As well got into booth, I sat down next to Travis and Aphmau. Next to Aphmau was Katelyn, Nicole, then Dante. On Travis's other side was Laurance and Garroth, who were holding hands under the table. I grabbed Travis's hand and smiled at him, and he grinned back at me.

As we ordered, I started to feel light headed, though I dismissed it as grogginess. As the food came, we all chatted and ate. My head was throbbing and I felt short of breath, though I ignored it.

Suddenly, everything went dark and my head slammed into my empty plate.


A/N: Thanks for 300 views! I may or may not have a chapter up tomorrow since I'm behind on my schedule, so if I don't, then I promise I'll put out extra this weekend. Thanks! <3

Word count: 859

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