Dinnertime Disscussions

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Jarvis POV

I am currently in the restaurant with James waiting for our little girl. 

"They are here." James tells me, and I look up to see Allie on Josh's hip with tear streaks down her face.  

"What happen to her?" I ask while grabbing her and placing her on my lap. She instantly snuggles into me.

"We had a bit of a tantrum being thrown at the mall when it was time to go." Josh explains, I believe that was the abbreviated version of the events.

"We will deal with that when we get home. Anything else happened?" James ask.

"Aside from our baby girl attempting to buy the entire mall, we had a run in with Sarah at the mall." Josh tells us.

That instantly catches my attention. Sarah does not come across as a mommy dom persona. But still why would she be at a mall that caters to ageplay? 

"Maybe she is a little?"  James suggests. 

"That does not make any sense, even if she is a little, no responsible daddy dom would allow their little to roam about without supervision." Josh retaliates. 

"We did need to do more research on her." I state. Obviously we need to look into her more. I don't want to be putting any of us in danger, especially our baby girl.

"Never mind her, lets focus on having a peaceful dinner." James states.

So we continue with our dinner, all of us eating a pasta dish. Once dinner was done we all make our way home. Since Josh and Alessia came in one car and security team and James and I came in another car. So we decided to go in one car and have our team take the other cars home. 

Once we get to the house, I look over to our baby girl who had a scared look in her eyes. She knew that it was time for her punishment. My brothers and I have already decided to not spank her, that has been done enough, a light punishment should do it. 

"Little one, because you decided to throw a tantrum at the mall, you will seat in time out for 5 minutes and if you move out of this seat you will get one more minute." Josh says.

She look so sad but she knew what was to come. I place her on a soft carpet and made her face the corner. Let me tell you something, as a parent, it hurts to put your child in punishment but you know it for their good. But ugh, it hurts, it hurts so bad.

Luckily for everyone, she took her punishment very well.

"I sorwwy dadas, me no do dat gain." she says with her head on James shoulder.

"I know hunny, Now lets get you ready for bed ok, Lets go say good night to your other daddies." James tells.

"Night Love" I say.

"Sweet Dreams Sweet Pea." Josh says.

James goes up with our baby girl.

Josh and I began to do research on Sarah. Once James comes down, we discuss this new information.

Sarah POV   (Switching it up! You mad, Comment about it!)

Wow, You know you never know who you employer is until you meet them on your day off and they blow you off.

Anyway, this mall is amazing, I heard about from a friend of mind who has a wonderful little. I babysit him sometime. I wanted to get him a gift for his birthday coming up. And I fine him the cutest toy truck he is going to love this.

As I am leaving the mall on my way home, I couldn't help but remember Alessia sad face. I wonder why she was sad, but Mr Dunhill was being protective over her, as he should. She is a delicate flower who should always be happy, disciplined but happy.

I enter my home and begin making dinner. As I am making dinner, I look over to high chair we have in the kitchen. I long to have a little again. Our first and only little up to this point was Carrie. She was a sweet little girl. She was about 14 months. For the first couple of months, it was magical. She was perfect, yeah, she had her tantrums. Every little throws a tantrum once in while. We were the perfect family.

And then, I come home one day. It was long day of work. And there is nothing in my home. We were robbed! All of my furniture is gone, living room, bathroom, kitchen, master bedroom and most importantly my baby girls room. I immediately call my call the police and then my husband.

"Hey Honey!" Dominic (my husband) greets me.

"Dom, honey, we've been robbed!!" I say in panic, tears streaming my face.

"I am on my way of sweetheart, relax. OK?" Dom reply and he stays on the phone until he gets home.

I explain what happen to the police. The only person who had access to our home is my husband, myself and our little.

I began to worry about her, I mean not a lot of people knew but I begin to ask Dom if he knew where she was. He says she went to the library to do some studying. (She was a college student.)

We tried to call her but she was not responding. Then an office comes over and hands us a note, he says its for us. He also says he did not read it.

But we did, and it broke our heart.

To make a long letter short: she was using us for our money. Mind you, we are not filthy rich but we live in comfort. She says she never loved us and that we were freaks. 

Ever since then, we have been cautious of who we let into our life. We no longer went to auctions for about a good year. It hurt us to our core.

But seeing Alessia, who is a pure little,she give me hope about having a little who will appreciated the love we will have her or him. I am not opposed to having a son.

Dom comes home to find me in tears.

"Thinking about it again?" he ask.

"Yeah" I nod.

"You know it going to be alright right?" He repsonds

"Yeah" I nod.

And he holds me. And that is all I need, at least at this moment.


And now we know about Sarah....

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And shoutout to you all and @MartynaKoszyk for voting.

Thank You Love.

Love.Peace. Chicken Grease


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