Chapter 14

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I run into the gates if the skate park and and throw my board down. I jump on the board and skate over to the grinding rails, where I perform a perfect jump onto the rails and grind down smoothly. At the end of the rail, the edge of my board goes off a little too soon and sends me tumbling to the pavement. I faceplant on the side of my face the holds the cut from the plate. The next thing I know, I'm laying in my back with my hand to my face and blood all over me. "Great. Just fan-fucking-tastic," I say a little to loudly. I stand up and rip a piece off of my T-shirt, I place the piece over my face. I begin my way home and no one notices. Thank God. I don't know if I could take the presence of another human being with me. Halfway home I realize I'm being followed. I turn around, only to run into someone. "Where do you think you're going?" The voice of the speaker sends chills down my spine. "Where are the rest of your friends you stupid slut? Oh, should I even call them your friends? Oh, that's right you don't have any," I slowly back up and star at the speaker. "W-Where's m-mom?" I stammer, still backing up. "I left her lifeless body in the woods. She didn't even put up a fight," he said, as I stared into the dark eyes of Toby.

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