Chapter 13

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*finished version of painting above* I looked over at my paints and brushes and back at the painting. I picked up where I left off and started painting my heart out. After what only felt like a few minutes, I glanced back at the clock and saw that it was already 1 am and I started painting at 6 pm. Whatever, I'll skip school tomorrow. Just keep painting. After a few more hours if painting, I passed out on the floor. I was awoken by a knocking on the door. I checked my reflection on my way to get the door and I looked like shit. I had bags under my eyes and a streak of paint on my forehead. I don't care. I answered the door and standing there was Jesse, Vic, Chris, Jay, and Luke. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask, my voice still sleepy. "Checking up on you," Vic answered, looking at my forehead, "What happened?" a line of worry creasing her forehead. "Nothing, I was painting and before I knew it, it was already 3 am and there was no way in hell I was going to school with three hours of sleep," I reply and step aside to let them in. "Where's your mom?" Jay asks. "Gone for a few weeks, with her boyfriend," I say, feeling and smile spread across my face, "I'll be back. I'm going to clean up. Oh and if you don't want to smell like cigarettes and vodka, you can go sit in my room, but don't touch ANYTHING." I say and bound up the stairs to the bathroom. When I finally get the paint off my forehead and change my clothes, I walk into my bedroom and all 5 sets of eyes lock on me. "You like?" I ask and nod towards the painting. "I never knew you could paint like this! How long have you been working on it?" Vic asks, her voice laced with amazement. "A few months." I reply and walk to my dresser to get socks. "That's really good Alli." Luke says. "Alli?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "Your middle name is Allison and Riv isn't a very cool nickname so, I thought of Alli." He says and smiles at me. I giggle and sit down to put on my converse. My outfit today was black leggings and a red and black flannel with a black tank top underneath. "What do you guys wanna do now?" Chris asks, as I make my way to my closet. I open it and grab my board. "I'm heading to the skate park. Wanna come?" I say to all of them. They stand up and follow met out. I lock up and put my key, my phone, and my $40 in my bra without them noticing and run to catch up with them.

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