Chapter 11

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I was walking home from the skate park on Saturday evening, after I went with Adam. I hear the crashing of furniture before I even open the door. I walk in just to get a plate shattered over my head. I feel warm liquid start to dribble down my face. "Oh for fucks sake! Can I just have one peaceful night?!" I say out loud, but nobody heard me. They were too busy yelling at each other. I go to the bathroom to look at my face. I'm horrified at what I see. There's a giant gash on the side of my face, starting from my temple and stopping just above my lip. Here come the rumors. I can hear them already. She probably got into another bar fight and got hit with a broken bottle. Whatever. I clean the cut and jump in the shower. After my shower, I go draw for a little bit. I'm concentrating on my drawing if Kaneki Ken, when my phone buzzes.

Hey, you are always welcome to stay here.

I reply with the standard "No thanks. I'm fine." At this point I've just about given up on my drawing and decide to go for a walk. I grab a jacket and swap my shorts for some sweatpants. I head out the door and into the cool night air. I walk for a few blocks and eventually stroll into the park. I end by my favorite water fountain where I do all my thinking. I wonder where Jesse is. Does he hate me? Does he think I'm a creep? Or a psychopath? Is he afraid of me? I wish I had as many answers as I do questions. I head back home and continue my drawing.

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