Chapter 3

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The day went normally, except that the boy with gorgeous ice blue eyes didn't show up to any of our classes, which was weird because it was only the first day of school. I usually wait till the second week to skip, but whatever I guess. I got on the bus and went to my seat. When I got home, I went to my room and flopped on my bed. I thought about school. Still not a single friend in 3 years. I started thinking about my entire life from the beginning.
I was born, oblivious to the whole world, like most children. I loved my life, every aspect of it. Until my mom met her boyfriend. That's when all hell broke loose. I was 8 years old when they met. They would come home from wherever they were, acting funny. They would stumble and fall when they walked and mommy talked funny. Around age 11, I realized what was happening. They were drinking. From then until this very second, they still drink. They drink and fight. He gets abusive. He hits my mom, but she refuses to leave. I don't feel bad for her in the slightest. She's suffered 8 years of this, dragging me into it as well. I hate her. I resent her for my life. Everyone knows who my mom is and that's why nobody socializes with me. Their parents all think I'm a bad influence and that I'm just like my mother. Once, my mother and her boyfriend were fitting, he hit her and I tried to stick up for her. He hit me too. I went to school the next day with a black eye and split lip. That didn't help with the 'bad influence' thing. Everyone thought I got into like a bar fight or something. "River!" My mom yelled up the stairs, breaking me from my thoughts. "What?!" I replied. "I have to go get Toby from work! I'll be home in a little bit." I said ok and she left. Oh, he actually went to work today. That's rare. I went to my dresser and turned on my radio. I laid down and fell asleep to the music.

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