Chapter 8

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I just stare at him, dumbfounded. He opens his arms and I go running into them. I cry as he strokes the back of my head. He carried me to my bed and stayed there while I cried. After crying for who knows how long, I fell asleep in Jesse's arms. When I woke up, I was still in his arms. He was staring at me and smiling. His smile is so beautiful and white. "What are you smiling for?" I ask, feeling a grin spread across my face. "You were saying my name in your sleep." He replies softy. My face felt hot. "Oh god. What was I saying?" I say and groan. "Nothing really. You just kept repeating my name and telling me not to leave, so I didn't." He replies. "Thanks for not leaving and how did you know I didn't want to be alone?" I ask, pondering the chances of me knowing how he knew. " were um... talking to yourself." He says. I could tell he was lying, his aura gave it away. For all you people wondering, I can see auras, read minds of people, only when and who, I want to, and I have telekinesis. "Your lying. You read my mind didn't you?" I ask totally serious now. His smile disappears and he looks shocked that I knew what he did. "No, there's no such thing." He says and takes his arms from around me and gets up. I reluctantly get up too and walk to the mirror hanging over my dresser. My eyes are all red and puffy from crying and my lips are chapped. "I look like hell froze over." I mutter under my breath. Then I heard something crash downstairs. I rolled my eyes and went to my door. "Could you not?! I have company!" I yell down the stairs, then slam my door. I turn back to Jesse. "I'm so sorry. They're drunk like always." He opens his mouth to say something, but gets interrupted when pounding sounds on the door. "Oh, so you do have friends, you little slut." Toby yells mockingly. "Leave me alone you schizophrenic alcoholic!" I look at the door and yell so loudly, I feel my ears start to ring. The door starts to shudder under my gaze. "Throwing a hissy fit, are we?" Toby says. I'm getting so angry, I can literally feel my blood start to boil. "Leave me the hell alone." I say firmly and very angry. The pictures on my walls start to shake a bit. "River, calm down." Jesse says behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder, just as my door starts to splinter. The pounding stops and Tony leaves. I finally calm down and turn towards Jesse. He has complete astonishment written all over his face. "1...2....3" I faint right when I say 3. Right on que if you ask me.

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