"Holy shit this is amazing!" Splendid exclaimed through a stuffed mouth. Noel beamed at the compliment once again because yesterday he said the same thing. The two half-squirrel's were sat at the dining room room table, both eating an omelet Noel cooked. Splendid was already on his third one. "I take it you've never had an omelet before?" Noel asked before taking a bite out of his breakfast.

Splendid shook his head. "I've never even heard of it before. The orphanage only gave us cereal for breakfast." Noel shivered at that. Only cereal? He hoped it wasn't the same kind over and over again. The two ate in comfortable semi-silence, Splendid eating like a starving man and the heavy rain creating rapid rhythms on the house outside.

Three minutes later, Splendid released a long and big burp. It lasted pass a minute, afterwards he sighed in content. His cousin stared at him with wide eyes, dumbfounded. The bluenette stood up and stretched, making his back pop. Noel winced. "You sir, have an humongous appetite. I'm definitely gonna have hit the store later," he said shortly after.

The blue half-squirrel chuckled sheepishly while scratching the back of his head, "Sorry, you're food is so good I couldn't help it."

Noel rubbed under his nose at the compliment. "Thanks, glad you love my cooking. Had to learn how to since I'm living on my own now." Splendid nodded in understanding.


Splendid stiffened at the sudden sound, Noel looked out of the window next to him, failing to notice his cousin's rigid state. "Holy wow it's pouring out there. We might get a flood if this keeps up," Noel said.

When he didn't receive a reply from the other, he turned around to see Splendid stood stiff with his azure blue eyes wide. Noel gave him look a of concern. He got up form his chair and walked over to the frozen blue half-squirrel, he was going to ask what was wrong when both thunder and lighting struck. Splendid dropped to the floor on his knees and covered his ears, shaking.

Noel rushed over to him, he tried to calm him down by rubbing soothing circles on his back. They stayed like that for a minute, no sound of thunder nor flash of lighting was heard nor seen in the meantime. Noel stopped when he noticed the half-squirrel still, his arms slowly dropping to his sides. Noel looked into his eyes to find them closed. He shook his head and lifted the sleeping bluenette over to the couch. He went to get a pillow and blanket for his Splendid.

Noel returned with the materials some seconds later, he laid the blanket over Splendid then gently raised his head to place the pillow behind him. Thunder rumbled again, but thankfully the deep sound didn't wake Splendid. Noel frowned, he looked to his living room window, getting the feeling that this storm was a sign. A sign signaling danger was approaching.



The Evergreen twin groaned. He had planned on going to Fritz's house to see his boyfriend, but then a storm just had to ruin it. He glared at the dark grey sky through the heavily soaked window of his room, cursing God for making it storm on the day he planned to see his Splends. Then again, thanks to the sudden storm school was cancelled so he could thank God for that at least.

Leo sat there on his bed, not bothering to play his video game, watch t.v nor get on his laptop. The storm made him feel lazy. He sighed and laid back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling, his room dark and the sky provided little to no light.


Leo frowned this time. He had a bad feeling that something was going to occur soon and Splendid might be apart of it somehow. The dreading feeling came back, and it was really strong.

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