"Red" and The Worst Schedule Ever

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(A/n: Ms. Rain here with the second chapter. Please enjoy)

Upon entering the school building, Splendid already wanted to head back home. People were staring and whispering among themselves about him, which was pointless because he had super hearing, but of course they didn't know that and he intended to keep it that way.

"Oh my God he is soooo cuuute."

"Yessss I know right."

"Hey wait a minute. Spencer and the new kid look alike, could they be twins?"

"Oh hell yeah...fresh meat."

Splendid wanted to roll his eyes at the last two comments, but cringe at the last one. It was obviously a male voice, but his tone made Splendid think he wasn't after him to bully him. Spencer noticed his little twin's discomfort, and did the only thing he knew how to snap him out of his mood. He smacked him upside the head. "Ignore them idiot, stand strong and show no weakness got it? Plus we need to hurry up and get to the main office so you can get your schedule, and who knows how long that'll take."

Splendid gritted his teeth in annoyance, he rubbed his poor abused head. "Oi asshole, gettin' real tired of you slappin' me upside the head. You're the one to blame if I get a concussion."

"Heh yeah right," Spencer said, tapping the top of Splendid's head. "This thick head of yours can withstand anything. Like hell you'll get a concussion."

"Asshole," Splendid grumbled. He smacked his finger away then crossed his arms. His brother laughed at his used to nickname.

The students in the hallway gawked at the interaction. Spencer was know as "Red" simply because anything can/will set him off, even the smallest and simplest things. He's a well known scary senior, next to another senior, he barely showed any emotion aside from stoic and angry. But seeing him laugh and smile with his little brother brought back memories.

No one never knew the cause of his negative attitude, but some suspected it had something to do with a certain lime-green haired half-bear.


It was his second week of his freshman year of high school and he was loving it so far...okay "loving" is a strong term of putting it so let's dim it down to "liking." He made friends immediately in the first week of school, and was liked by his teacher's for his kindness and smarts.

It brought a painful memory in Spencer, but he didn't let it show because he only had one more month until he moved out of his auntie and uncle's house. It would be him and his little brother once he took the bluenette in, Spencer was 16 and working plus he had the money to do so.

Spencer was in his AP Pre-Calculus class that day, when things changed. When he changed.

Their teacher, Mr, Weathers was called to go to the main office for something, Spencer was to absorbed in doing his morning problem to hear what the reason was. His best friend Shane Evergreen, a dark-green haired half-raccoon boy with honey yellow eyes and wore a fedora called him a nerd to which his twin, Leo Evergreen, laughed at.

Spencer always wondered how they managed to get into an AP class seeing as how they were the jokester's of the school, he also thought that they were just attention seeking idiots. He was proven wrong however when both twins answered a difficult question on the board last week.

They were so coordinated with separating the problem, they only took one glance at the hard equation, and they answered the question together less than a minute later with a proud smirk. From then on, Spencer never doubted their intelligence again nor did their teacher or anyone for that matter.

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