Chap.23: Night of Sin Pt.2

Start from the beginning

"Get a room already!" Shouted Zays. "A single girl like me doesn't need to see all this lovey-dovey stuff!"

"Jealous much?" I chimed in making her punch my arm. Once we cooled off and drank some more, we were back on the dance floor. I looked around for Saya and spotted her near the restroom area. I casually made my way over much to her dismay.

"Can I pee in peace without you being up my ass."

"Well you do have a nice one." She rolled her eyes with her back to me. I don't know if it was the many drinks I had, but I decided to be bold and grab onto her ass which in return got me a major slap to my face. I sobered up real quickly as she stormed off. I immediately ran after her until we were outside the club.

"Seriously what is with you!?!" She yelled while spinning around towards me. "I've blown you off, so many times! Can't you take a hint!?"

"No-" She turned to leave before I could finish, but I quickly grabbed onto her wrist.

"You better let me go!"

"No! I'm never gonna let you go!"

"Fuck off, Damian."

"Hey guys!" We turned around to see Emmy and everyone else coming towards us. "You guys ready for the penthouse! The night is still young!"

"And Emmy's already wasted." Zaya proclaimed.

"You're coming with us right, Saya?" Killian looked at her knowing something was up.

"I kinda have to since you have the keys. If it was a normal apartment then I could get in without one."

"Just the many benefits of having a specially made apartment for our kind." He smiled. We got back into the limo and headed to the hotel.

Once we arrived, I realized Emmy had picked the most high class and expensive hotel. Money wasn't a problem obviously, but to think she went all out for a night of fun. We checked in, or mostly I did since she was slurring her words, got the key card and headed upstairs. The room was so spacious and filled with top notch furniture that I thought about getting one myself. Everyone scattered around as they checked out the place.

"There's like 5 rooms in here. I calling the bed that's hanging from the ceiling!!"

"These couches are really comfy, so Lorna and I will bunk here." Blake plopped onto the couch with Lorna in his arms. I let them do whatever they wanted and headed straight for the shower. The shower itself was in the middle of the room where the water falls from the ceiling. I undressed and walked over to the shower where there was a water-proof pad to turn on the water. As I washed myself, I began to get horny while thinking about Saya causing me to start masturbating.

I heard a laugh and whipped my head around to the sound where Saya sat on the counters.

"Oh my god, I didn't think you would start doing that." She laughed hysterically while I stood there embarrassed.

"Says the pervert watching me shower."

"Hey it was the only peaceful place here besides I've seen bigger."

"So you're not a virgin?"

"Do you assume every girl you meet is a virgin?"

"Didn't expect you to be the kind who sleeps around."

"Now you're just assuming. I've been with one guy, but we had to part ways due to some stuff."

"I'll have you know my skills in bed are very amazing."

"He's experienced, so I was able to perfect my skill to where he would scream my name instead of the other way around." She was getting a bit cocky, so I used my shadows to drag into the shower.

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