Of Course, Don't Set it Free

Start from the beginning

We were getting close to the Cullen's home. Their home was majestic as always, and perfect in its every form.

Bella was already out the door to greet us. She ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Jacob! I'm so glad you stopped by. We're about to get ready to listen to Edward's new composition."

Ah. Edward was a master at the piano. I was amazed at how well he played. You'd get lost in some of his music at times. It made me wish to master the piano, but my hands were so huge that each fingertip would hit two keys at a time.

Bella quickly looked over at Nessie.

"Did you give Jacob a hard time, again? You know he's overly protective of us."

She quickly responded, "Mom, please stop with your accusations. I'm very thankful that Jacob was around to keep me company."

Nessie said it so robotically, as if she had practiced saying that line over and over to please Bella.

"Good. I wouldn't want Jacob here to waste his time with you when he has a whole forest to protect."

"That's what I keep telling him, Mom. I don't need the protection. I'm sure there are plenty of humans out there who are trapped or lost hiking. He should spend his nights and days with them."

That was too simple of a task, plus boring. Sometimes, it was annoying to help hikers who were lost because they couldn't tell which way north was directing.

"Renesmee, stop it." Bella replied sharply. She was acting so mature now. Not the Bella I knew when she was human. Motherhood suited her well. She was protective of her daughter.

"It's okay, Bella. Really. Besides, Nessie, will one day cry my name, and I won't be there. She'll then remember this conversation as I am helping lost hikers." That statement wasn't true. I would never leave her. I would always hear her cry my name.

It sounded nice when Nessie said my name with sincerity, but if she ever called my name out of trouble. Ugh. The thought of that made me nauseated. I never wanted to see her in trouble.

"You're not right, Jacob." Nessie hissed at me.

I enjoyed her unjust attitude. It delighted me to see that she always had a witty response. It meant she paid attention to me.

My stomach embarrassingly enough growled. I had forgotten to eat since I was keeping my eyes on Nessie all day on her hunt.

"Jacob, did you forget you had an appetite again?" Edward had read my mind. "It's not healthy to skip your meals considering you need the strength."

Edward didn't like my thoughts I had of Nessie. I guess any father would feel uncomfortable. He tried with every opportunity to make me erase my thoughts. Before, I use to enjoy teasing Edward, but I almost felt odd with images of Nessie being open to Edward's eyes. I controlled it when I could.

"Thank you for your concern, Edward. I was only seeing Nessie home."

"I'm sure you can stay for a little while at least. Bella would enjoy your company."

Nessie didn't seem too eager to spend more time with me as she hastily answered, "Father, he has to go home. I'm sure Billy is concerned of his whereabouts. Besides, you're a father, wouldn't you be concerned if I didn't return home within the time I promised."

Was she deliberately making it obvious to rid of me so quickly? A sharp pain went through my chest. It hurt a little. I had to learn to control these feelings.

"Of course, Renesmee, however, Jacob is a responsible adult."

I didn't feel so much like an adult. Ever since my transformation as a werewolf, my body remained almost ageless. I had grown to reach near seven feet, and my muscles had tripled in size. Through all this, I had kept my young age intact. It was one of the abilities of the werewolves. The purpose to keep the youth infinitely was needed to continue to be strong.

Secretly, I fought against my age when Nessie reached her peak of aging. She became a woman looking the age of a human nineteen year old. Her growth was slowly progressing to come to an end. She didn't age anymore. Carlisle had been measuring her monthly now instead of daily like before. Carlisle was sure her growth had stopped.

I didn't want to outgrow her age. I selfishly wanted to remain youthful for her so she would find me striking. At times, I felt she ignored me purposely and it crushed me.

This creature had me mesmerized.

I couldn't think nor could I eat.

Even my father ridiculed me for my love sick behavior. The pack all knew my thoughts and felt nauseated over my feelings for Nessie, but they supported my decision as long as I would keep my thoughts to myself.

I realized my mind was trailing off again.

"Edward, thanks for the invite, but I do have to join my father for dinner. It's been a while since we've had a sit down dinner."

I turned around quickly to head for the door, but I felt a warm hand on my arms. I knew only one person in that household with warm hands.

Then her recognizable voice softly whispered to me.

"Jacob, I didn't mean to run you out of the house. You know I enjoy having your presence here."

Was she trying to torture me? She was like night and day.

I wanted to play it cool and shrug it off.

I turned around so my eyes could meet hers.

"I'll return soon enough, Nessie, but I really do have to go."

I wrapped her petite body in my arms. Could I ever let go of this?

I forced myself to step away and head for the door as I had intentionally planned.

"You give up so easily with my remarks, Jacob Black."

Jacob Black. She'd always use my full name when she was upset with me.

What game was she playing? I thought she wanted to rid of me, now she wanted me to stay. I felt so tormented inside because I couldn't understand what she wanted.

I wanted to grab and shake her and tell her that she didn't understand how I felt towards her. How my body heated up when the mere mention of her name would come up. I wanted her to know that every second that separated us was like a dagger piercing sharply into my beating heart.

"If you want me to stay, then I will." I shot back at her.

She paused for a moment and trying to think of what to say next.

"Don't worry about it, you've already gave in. Please leave and have a pleasant evening."

She was quiet for a moment again.

"Tell Billy I said hi."

I paced out the door quickly before she could torment me anymore with her begging.

I ran as fast as I could so her scent would be lost in the wind. It was excruciating to leave her side. Her comments were confusing me.

She teased me as if she enjoyed seeing my soul being plagued.

Why did women have to be so difficult? I couldn't understand their feelings.

Did she really think I wouldn't worry about her feelings? For the past seven years, all I could do was wait for the moment that she would feel the way I felt. I wasn't going to involve myself deeply into a relationship unless it was with Nessie.

She was my imprint. My fate.

Damn me for agreeing with this plan on wanting to make her act and feel humanly as possible. I could have just kidnapped her and make her mine forever. It wasn't a plan that never crossed my mind. I knew it would simplify my life.

Yet, I did want her to want me despite the imprint.

She needed to realize one thing was for sure.

I wasn't planning on giving up.

Night and Day - Twilight Saga - Jacob and RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now