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I feel so bad leaving Phil there but I have to talk to PJ and Chris about Jay.

I hate Jay so much. I'm highly considering murdering him. All I want is Phil safe. I will do whatever it takes.

I arrived soon after at their new house.

PJ: Dan you're crying, what's wrong?

Dan: Phil got hit in the head with a brick by Jay. He's knocked out.

Chris: Oh Dan.. you idiot, why did you come here? Go home to Phil.

Dan: I needed to tell you. Come with me please...

PJ: No, go alone. He needs you only. Not us. I'm going to go kick Jay's ass and make him wish he never met us.


I headed to Jay's house, barging in. I had a knife clenched in my right hand. Im insane. I found him on the couch. I threw him against the wall. Him and were both surprised by my strength. I held the knife up to his neck. One simple movement and it would be all over for him. I was shaking.. I didn't know what gotten in to me when I slid the knife right threw and watched him die right there.

There was blood on my trembling hands and a dead body on the floor. There was so much blood, humans have a lot of blood. I dropped the knife still shaking and had a panic attack. I pulled out my phone and texted Dan.

To Dan:
I... I need you to help me hide a bo... Body. I'm so scared please help!

From Dan:
I will be right there...

What if he brings the police?! Im so scared.

Dan arrived a little later. No police.

Dan: What the hell did you do?

PJ: Please help me hide him.

Dan: Okay.

We both put on gloves. Dan started a fire in the nearby woods. He's smart. We carried Jay back and began burning his body. We also threw the knife in.

When Jay's flesh was all gone, we took the bones out, dug a hole, and put in a liquid that dissolves bones in there. Then covered it up. We were drenched in blood, so we both changed into Jay's clothes and burned ours.

There was blood all over his house. I found bleach and we began scrubbing. When we thought we were good, a police siren rang. Someone must of saw us. We scrambled out, pouring bleach everywhere we walked.

Then we sprinted for it.. jumping a fence. We both headed home full speed.


I'm so stupid. Why would I help clean up a murder? What if I'm arrested? I could never have Phil. I rushed to the TV and turned on the news. The reporter read:

Neighbors say they saw a body getting brought out of Jay Murphy's house. We believe this is a murder. If you know of anyone that could of done this please call..

I shut the TV off as Phil started waking up. I was so happy to see him awake. I hugged him right away and kissed him in lust.

Phil: Well hello Dan.

Dan: I missed you so much.

Phil: Where's Jay now?

I froze at the question

Dan: I'm not sure,

Phil: You froze.. what happened?

Then the door bell rang. I began crying.

Police: Is Dan Howell here?

Dan: Yes that's me.

Police: We have to take you in for some questioning about Jay.

Dan: Why?

Police: You were spoted at his house during the murder.

Phil: Da.. Dan.. what the hell happened?

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