Personal Space

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As soon as I left, I went towards my car. I was planning on going to Jessica's but at the last moment I turned and sprinted towards the woods. I figured that going to Jessica's would only make things worse. Anyways I don't feel like seeing her right now. I don't want her pity. It's all fake anyways. All popular girls are fake.

Phil is real..

That thought brought me to think about that kiss we shared just a few minutes ago..

Why did that kiss make me so warm and fuzzy inside? I never felt this way with Jessica. Why did I long for more? I never do with Jessica.

Stop Dan

You love Jessica not Phil. Phil is only a friend, Jessica is my girlfriend and I love her.

I decided to sit down and rest.. everything is way too confusing. It's all too much.

I can't believe he kissed me.. Then left me here like this. I quickly jumped up and looked for my blade. It was gone which means Dan stole it from me.

Phil: Shit Dan why would you do this to me?

That kiss felt perfect to me but I guess I can't beat Jessica. I will let him have his space though I respect that.

I sat down on a log, reached in my pocket, and pulled out my phone and earbuds. Soon after the world was getting drowned out with music from the band, Get Scared.
I then pulled the blade out of my pocket too. I didn't use it on myself. I wanted to. I can't because I just made Phil stop. I can't do what I told him not to do. So instead I got up and threw it as far as I could. I closed my eyes when I did so. I don't want Phil or myself ever getting that back.

I feel broken.. Like there was nothing left of me, so I just laid down in bed and tried to sleep.

Five minutes later my phone buzzed.

From 715-234-7956
Stay away from Dan! He is mine! You're messing with his mind. He shouldn't care about you more than he cares about me. See him one more time and I will slit your throat. -Jessica

To 715-234-7956
Fuck you Jessica!

Blocked you

To Dan💔
I hope you and Jessica are well. We need space.

My phone buzzed with a text from Phil. I read it but didn't reply. He thinks I'm at Jessicas? That doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is the we need space part. I understand though. If I was him I would want space as well. I was an asshole after all.
I guess I'm staying out here for awhile.. well I better find a tree to sleep on.

One week later....

No answer.. wow. I guess Jessica has all control over you. I guess I will send another text.

To Dan💔
I miss you..

Message Deleted By Phil Lester

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