chapter 9- what happened?

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After staring at her dad for a few seconds, Zosia asked Jac "what happened" and Jac ascorted Zosia and Ollie to her office. Once they were all sat down Jac said " Zosia your dad was attacked in his office and then ran out for help but became unconscious ." Ollie gave Zosia's hand a tight squeeze as he could see that Zosia was panicking. Zosia then asked who it was that attacked her dad and Jac sighed and then said " it was seb" immediately Ollie shouted " what!" But Zosia rubbed her thumb up and down his hand to calm him down and then asked " do you know why he did this?" Jac sighed again before saying " we think because of your past relationship with him, that he was threatening you. Oh and also, I don't mean to scare you both, but whilst security were taking him away he said that you were next Ollie. " after hearing this Zosia squeezed Ollie's hand and grabbed his arm with her other hand. Jac then said that she had asked for security to keep a close eye on Darwin so the pair shouldn't be too worried. With that they all left and Jac got on with her patients while Zosia and Ollie waited for Guy ( as he had been taken into surgery because Seb had punched his chest causing his heart to not beat properly.)

Eventually Guy was out of surgery and being ported to a bed ,where Zosia and Ollie were waiting for him,. Once she saw him being wheeled over Zosia shot up and rushed to his side. After Guy had been put into his bed , Zosia stood by him, holding his hand gently as he was still asleep whilst Ollie had his hand supportively around Zosia's hip. After about 30 minutes Guy's eyes started to open but the pair hadn't noticed as Zosia had fallen asleep on Ollie's lap with Ollie holding her , him also fast asleep. Once his eyes were fully open Guy just smiled at the sight Infront of him before Ollie started to wake up and nudged Zosia to wake her up too.

Zosia was just about to speak when Ollie's pager went off and he rushed away. Zosia smiled and then turned to her dad and said " you really gave me a fright you know, I was just coming down the stairs with Ollie and I see a crowd of doctors around someone beaten up on the floor and then I see its you and my heart starts racing . But I am glad your ok now."
" yes me to0" Guy adds on " but why were you coming down the stairs zoshie the only thing that is up there is the roof but why on earth were you up there with Ollie."
" oh well you know with the shortage of tablets and the pregnancy and everything, well I just got a bit upset and I went up on the roof but then Ollie found me and helped me through it but I'm fine now."
" what did I do now?" Asked Ollie as he came through the curtains.
" oh I was just telling my dad how you found he on the roof and helped and how now I'm fine. " Zosia said as she smiled at Ollie.
" oh erm well" Ollie said awkwardly but was interrupted by Zosia going over to him and hugging him before saying " thank you, I don't know what I would have done without you." She then told her dad that her shift finished over an hour ago and that she shouldn't really still be here so guy let them go and as they were walking out the cubicle Zosia still had both her arms around Ollie's waist and Ollie then put his around Zosia's waist and they both smiled at each other and Guy smiled at them too as they walked into the locker room happily.

Sorry if it's really bad please vote and

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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