Chapter 4- the recovery

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Zosia's eyes opened slowly to be greeted by the relieved face of Ollie who was happy that Zosia was awake.'zosh, your ok, everything is going to be fine now.'
'Wha-why am I here' Zosia questioned in a groggy voice
' oh zosh, you tried to calm an angry man down but as you ran over to him he hit you with one of the chairs at the reception desk, you went smack into the desk babe!'
'Oh yeah I remember now, silly old me always trying to interfere with everything'
Zosia said as she tried to sit up not realising she had hurt her arm, she hissed in. Pain as Ollie went to comfort her.
'Zosh your weren't stupid at all' Ollie started as he helped Zosia get comfortable 'he was just in a very angry state and would have probably done the same to someone eventually, anyway as soon as he saw what he had done, he immediately calmed down. Oh and he felt bad for what he did so he gave you a present' Ollie picked up a box from the bed side cabinet and opened it for Zosia. It was a box of chocolates and an apology note. Zosia put them down on the bedside cabinet whilst noticing there was a vase of her favourite flowers there too. ' who are those lovely flowers from' Zosia asked Ollie.
' oh I just thought that I would get you a little gift of my own. Just a recovery present.' He said as they both smiled at each other. Ollie got up and kissed Zosia on the forehead.

A moment later Jac walked in and said ' Zosia you have broken your arm and you did have a small internal bleed but that is all fixed now so once your arm is bandaged up you are free to go. However you will need some support over the next few days so I am going to allow you to have a week off from work. I will also allow Mr Valentine here to have a few days off to just to make sure you are ok and you have no other injuries.'
'Ok thank' said Zosia before Jac left the room.
' oh, no how are you going to cope with no surgery for a whole week' Ollie said sarcastically.
' oh very funny but I don't need surgery at the moment' started Zosia ' I've got something much better' she whispered into Olle's ear.
' oh yeah and what is that then' questioned Ollie
'You' Zosia said to Ollie before pulling him into a kiss.

Once she had got carefully changed back into her normal clothes, along with Ollie, Zosia  went to get her arm bandaged up.
' Zosia!' Came a familiar friendly voice.
' Cara' exclaimed Zosia
' what happened, why are you here?'
' I broke my arm when a man hit me with a chair, flinging me across the room.'
' so Ollie why are you here?' Asked Cara
' well me and Zosia are actually...' Started Ollie
' OMG! I knew you guys would eventually get together, your perfect for each other. Wait you were going to say that you and Zosia are going out weren't you?'
'Don't worry I was,' said Ollie as he smiled at Zosia and they quickly kissed each other.
' you guys are too cute, but we really should get your arms looked at.' Said Cara.
' oh yes right' started Zosia ' my arm'. She grabbed Ollie's hand with her arm that wasn't broken as they both walked into a cubicle and Zosia sat on the bed.

Sorry if the chapters are still a bit short but I will really try to make them longer. Please comment your opinions and sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.xxxxxxxx

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