Chapter 8- please help me

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2 more months into the pregnancy...

Throughout the pregnancy Zosia had had her ups and down due to her Minimal amount of tablets but this mourning Zosia didn't feel herself. When she arrived at work Zosia got straight on with work and was very direct to everyone even with Ollie she didn't reply to any of his flirtatious talk and to this Ollie got a bit worried but he knew that Zosia was doing a tricuspid valve replacement later so he thought that she might just be working hard to show Jac that she was capable of performing it.
Throughout the whole day Zosia continued with this behaviour and Ollie was starting to suspect that Zosia's minimal amount of tablets was causing this and he was right. Eventually he went up to Zosia and asked her if she was ok but her reply was just ' yes, why wouldn't I be.' So Ollie just shrugged and walked off.
After Ollie had finished his shift he went to the locker room to get his stuff ready to leave but he noticed that Zosia's stuff was still on her peg but her shift was meant to have finished 30 minutes ago but she was obviously still here. Suddenly Jac burst into the room and told Ollie that someone had been spotted on the roof and it was thought to be Zosia . Immediately Ollie dashed up the stairs to the roof to find a startled Zosia sat curled up in a ball in the cold dark evening. Every time there was a noise like a bird tweeting or an ambulance siren Zosia would jump slightly. Ollie walked slowly and carefully over to her so he wouldn't startle her. Zosia then said ' Ollie , please help me.'Once he got near to Zosia Ollie lowered himself down and sat next to her whilst he did this a loud gust of cold wind to which Zosia jumped at but Ollie quickly cradled her in his arms. He then made 'sshh' noises and rubbed one hand down Zosia's back and one on her bump which was now quite big. A minute later another gust of wind blowed but this time Zosia didn't jump so Ollie smiled as he knew that he had managed to calm Zosia down. After 5 minutes Ollie had managed to get Zosia inside and on the way back to Darwin Zosia was smiling at Ollie and he was smiling back. However her smile soon dropped when she saw a load of doctors and nurses crowding around someone in the middle of the ward and when she saw who it was her smile dropped even more. She froze she wanted to help but she couldn't move. Ollie looked forward and then at Zosia his smiling turning to a frown too quickly he interlocked his fingers with Zosia to comfort her. But Zosia still stood like a statue looking at the sight Infront of her: it was a man covered in cuts, gashes and bruises, but it wasn't just any man, it was her dad, Guy Self unconscious.

Sorry about the lack of updates and sorry for any mistakes. Please comment what you think.

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