Chapter 6

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Marinette's POV

Alya and I were strolling down to her house, giggling and joking around with each other.

"Okay, okay," I grabbed my friend's glasses, pulled my pigtails behind my head, and did my best Nino impression, "Hey, dudes and dudettes, wuzzup? It's me, Nino! I might've trapped your parents in a bubble because I got mad 'cause my bro, Adrien, his dad said no party for him and this Hawkmoth dude told me to become the Bubbler!"

Alya giggled and took her glasses off my face and styled her bangs, "Hi, I'm Adrien! I'm a super famous model because of my dad, but I begged him to let me go to school so I could make friends, like Marinette," Alya pulled me to her side and I snickered, "who is now officially my girlfriend!"

Alya made kissy faces at me and I giggled, pushing her face away. She joined in, putting her glasses on and fixing her hair in the process.

We reached her house and she pulled out her key. She was about to shove it in the keyhole when the door swung open, surprising us both.

"Hello Alya," Mrs. Césaire sweetly said, kissing her daughter's head, then waved to me, "Hello Marinette."

"Hello!" I cheerfully waved back.

"Mom, would it be okay if we did a live LadyBlog?" Alya made puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, just don't be up later than 9:30," Mrs. Césaire waved her finger at us.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Alya quickly said, squeezing her mother in a hug.

When she let go, she once again grabbed my wrist, but this time pulled me up to her room instead of to my trapdoor. She set up her computer onto a few big books, then started to put up a few Ladybug posters.

"Get those in the mail?" I teased, poking Alya's side.

She flinched, then spun around and smacked my hand. "Well, kind of. I clipped them from a magazine," she thought.

I nodded with a smile, then helped hang up more Ladybug pictures. After we were done, we laid out the goodies we "stole", then Alya opened up her LadyBlog.

"Just let me set up the live feed, then I'll start the timer to record," she said, already done with setting up the feed.

"Ready?" she asked, turning to me.

I nodded, "As ready as I am to eat these desserts!"

"Starting the timer... Now!" Alya clicked a button on her keyboard and a timer showed.


"What's up all of my LadyFans? I'm Alya and I'm here live with my girl, Marinette!" she gestured to me.

I waved to the camera. "Hello! I'm a big fan of Ladybug, but I think I come in third, next to Alya being first, and Chloé Bourgeois coming in second. I'd say that's a shocker, but after what happened with Lady Wifi," I pointed to Alya and winked at the camera, "I'd say pretty much all of Paris knows that Chloé is a big fan!"

Alya scratched the back of her head and chuckled, "Yeah, sorry about that Paris, but hey,! At least I admitted it to all of you guys in an earlier LadyBlog!"

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