Chapter 18

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Sophie's POV

I decided that I should still go to Spain for the Grand Prix regardless of whether I was with Carlos or not. That day I was due to go, I had everything packed in my suitcase, my Spanish flag poking out the side. I clutched my pass in my hand and boarded the plane.

After an hours flight I was in Barcelona, just half an hour from the track. I walked towards the taxi rankings but remembered that I hadn't booked one. I usually went with Carlos. As I looked through the sea of taxi drivers holding cardboard with names on, I spotted one with 'Carlos Sainz Jr.' On it. I walked in the other direction to the driver and went outside to see if there was a spare taxi.


"Tabatha!" I shouted as she came running to me.

"How are you doing? Carlos told me about you two...and with a baby on the way too,"

"I'm good, Tab. I'll just have to find a way around seeing Carlos," I said as a hand lightly touched my shoulder.

"How are you doing then? Carlos won't stop talking about you!" Carmen said as I spun around, dazed by the bright light.

"Not too bad, just carrying another human around that's all," I smiled.

"Have you got anywhere to stay? Oh you could stay in my rv! Every driver has one"

"You're not an F1 driver, Carmen" Tabatha corrected.


"Tab, I'll be back around three, I'm just going to go with Carmen and settle myself in," I smiled, walking off with my fellow Spaniard.


"Does he even know you're here"

"No. I wasn't going to come but then again it's my home race too so I thought it'd be nice" I smiled, patting my bump.

"How far are you?"

"Four months, it goes by so fast"

Just then, as if he could hear us, Carlos walked into the motorhome.

Carlos's POV

I could hear loud chatting from Carmen's motorhome when I finally reached mine. Tabatha was acting strange too. It was as if she knew something that I wasn't allowed to know.

I laid down on the double bed, imagining Sophie next to me. I was knackered and wanted to sleep but the talking from next door was way too loud - so I went to tell them to keep it down. But, when I opened the door a small brunette girl was stood there with her hand on her baby bump. Sophie.

"Chica? I've missed you so much!" I heard myself say as my body took control of itself and hugged her tight.

"Carlos...carlos! Get off, you're squashing the baby," she said calmly.

"Shall I go in the bedroom while you talk?" Carmen asked.

"No. That's not happening" she firmly said, turning her back on me as the tears formed in my eyes.

"Fine, well if that's the way it is then I showing change it." I said, my voice cracking as I walked out of the motorhome with tears spilling down my cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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