Chapter 17

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Sophie's POV

"Dantae. Dantae you lump, get off me! You're crushing me and the baby!" I said, shoving my brother off the bed.

"What was that for?!" He asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"You were crushing me and the baby! Have some consideration or I'll send you to school today," I said.

"Okay, sorry, I was asleep though. I didn't know," he whimpered.

"Ugh. I'm off to the gym," I said, grabbing my training clothes.

"But you haven't had-" he started.

"I'll get something while I'm out," I shushed, blatantly lying through my teeth.

"You better. I'm worried about you, sis," he said.

"I'm fine, Dantae. Now go and play on the Xbox or something, I'll be back in two or three hours," I smiled, grabbing my keys and going to my car.


I was still determined to cover up the pregnancy as much as possible. So I skipped breakfast and went to the gym to work off more baby weight.

By the end of the session I was starting to feel slightly light headed, but I just passed it off as working too hard. But it didn't go away. It was persistent. Even as I drove home I knew I could black out at any time, but I kept going.

Instead of eating chocolate or something sweet to bring my blood sugar back up, I grabbed a banana. It would stop me putting on the weight.

"Sis, shall we go for a walk?" Dantae asked as I finished up with my makeup. The bump was still showing.

"Why not. Shall we go through the park?"

"Sure, it's gotten a little overgrown since you moved out but it's still just as lovely," he smiled.

It felt great to be out of the eye of the public again. I could finally go for a walk without Carlos being stopped for photos. But o felt a pang. I wanted him back but I couldn't put up with the distance. I doubted he even found the note.

"Hey, we should have brought a ball," I said, feeling the colour disappear from my face.

"Yeah, we should have. Are you okay sis? You look a little pale? Sit down, don't pass out on me!" He said. I laid down on the soft grass, gripping it as I felt the oxygen flow again. "Have you eaten today?" He asked.

"Bro, you wouldn't understand," I said, sitting up again.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter. Let's just go," I smiled.


I could hear shouting as I walked around the corner. 

"Are the neighbours arguing still?" Dantae said.

Then I saw a Renault on the path. CS55...

Standing in the doorway, having a shouting match with my dad was Carlos.

Carlos' POV

I knocked on the door.

Her parents liked me. They should let me in...

"Carlos." Her dad said.

"Sir, please, can I talk to Sophie," I asked.

"She's not at home and I doubt she'd want to," he said, going to shut the door.

I stuck my foot in the way, meaning he couldn't close it.

"Wait, let me wait around for her. Please. I must talk to her," I said, feeling the anger building up inside me.

"She won't want to. I'm telling you!" Her dad said, beginning to shout.

"But she's pregnant with my baby! I need to see her!" I shouted at him.

Just then, I turned around to see Sophie gingerly walking up the driveway with her brother.

"Carlos. What are you doing? You've got my sister pregnant and now you're coming back? She moved away to be away from yo-" he began shouting.

"Dantae. Go inside," Sophie said,  practically pushing him into the house.

I took a look at her stomach. Sure enough, there was a bump. A large bump. She looked a lot thinner than I remembered.

"Sophie, please. Talk to me," I said, taking my foot away from the door and taking a step towards her.

"No. Carlos...I can't. I said I'm done," she said, tears forming in her eyes. They began falling down her cheeks.

I ran over to her and wiped them from her face. She didn't look at me - she cried harder. I wrapped my arms around her, expecting her to hug me back.

She seemed to warm to my touch, but after a moment or so she pushed me away.

"No, I can't do this. Good luck for Spain," she said, running into the house with her hand over her mouth, stifling her cries.

"See. Now leave." Her dad said.

I sat in my car, my head on the steering wheel. 

Spain was that week. I was going to be at my first home Grand Prix alone.

Hola Chica - Carlos Sainz Jr. fanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant