Chapter 1

745 11 1

Sophie's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. The mid - March light streaming in through the curtains. I leaned over my boyfriend and turned the alarm off.

Get up! You've got a new client today! Beep beep beep beep beep!

It screamed at me. Mainly the beeping bit. The other bit was the label telling me why I had to get up early. That also meant I had to wake my boyfriend up.

"Carlos" I whispered in his ear.

He let out a small sigh, his facial hair grinding on my neck as he hugged my waist, pulling me closer. The sensation of his lips on my neck sent a shiver down my spine.

"I take it you're awake" I teased, kissing the side of his head.

As I kissed his head, his lips locked onto my neck, causing me to moan slightly.

"Carlos! You know I've got a new client coming today"

"It's half seven, you said they weren't coming until ten"

"But I've got to get toys, games and some food ready! A five year old can't entertain themselves!"

"You can stay in bed for a few more minutes" he smirked, pulling me on top of him as the duvet fell to the floor. His hand went to my lower back, once again making me shiver.

"I supposed I can stay in bed for a few more minutes" I smirked, kissing him in the straddling position.


"Carlos! They're here!" I shouted as he came down the stairs in full running gear.

"I'll introduce myself but them I'm off on a run! Got to keep fit! My first formula one race -"

"I know, I know, is this week!"

I opened the door to a couple with a baby and five year old.

"Hi, I'm Sophie and this is my boyfriend, Carlos"

"It's lovely to meet you Sophie" the mum said.

"Would I be mistaken in thinking that this is Carlos Sainz Jr" the dad asked.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Well, you're one lucky girl! We would like to ask if you could also look after the baby too, we have a few extra meetings to go too"

"And we'll pay you double"

"Yeah sure, are there certain feeding times?"

"Yes, we wrote them down"

"Thank you!"

"Go on Abigail, be nice to the lady, she'll be looking after you today"

The five year old slowly walked into our house. Then the baby was passed over to me.

"The child is Abigail and the baby is phoebe, they're both well behaved, have fun girls!"

"Hello Abigail" I smiled "I'm Sophie"

"Hi Sophie" she said with the cutest accent ever.

"And, he may look scary, but this is Carlos"

"Hi Carlos"

"Right babe, I'm off for my run, I might swing by the gym too, but I'll do some food shopping while I'm out, were running low"

"Okay, by Carlos" I smiled, giving him a kiss as I watched him run down the drive way and towards the quieter area of Madrid.

"So, Abigail, what would you like to do?"

Carlos' POV

Madrid. A beautiful city in Spain. A beautiful city in Spain where I lived with my absolutely gorgeous girlfriend.

I jogged towards the country and grassed areas, away from the busy inner city.

Tomorrow, I was to fly to Australia for my first race in formula 1. I and never been more excited for anything, other than moving in with Sophie. So i wanted to make a good impression.

It was baking hot, but I went right around the park and to the gym. I was well known in Madrid, but no one ever stopped me when I was doing exercise, knowing how much was needed in formula one.

I set to doing neck weights, knowing I was probably in for a shock when I reached the car.


I quietly came back in. I'd only ever seen Sophie once with a client. I poked my head around the door and saw her cradling Phoebe in her arms and reading Abigail a story.

She'll make an amazing mum one day...

I smiled to myself then went upstairs for a shower.

I couldn't believe how sweaty I was, but I wasn't prepared to go and hug my girlfriend stinking of body odour.


I don't have the shortest hair ever, it generally gets compared to Nico Rosberg's. I dried it quickly, put on a shirt and jeans and went downstairs.

"When did you get back?" Sophie asked me, smiling.

"About an hour ago. I had a shower then packed my bag for tomorrow" I smiled back.

She was tidying away. I started to help her.

"Don't, sit down and have a rest. Trust me, it's the last you'll be getting until the flight home!"

I knew not to argue that point with her, so I sat down on the sofa and just watched her.

When she had finally finished she came and laid down on the sofa with me, her head on my chest.

"I'm really going to miss you" she said after a few seconds.

"I'm going to miss you too. You've got full coverage of the race, we can Skype, we can call, you'll be fine" I smiled. I realised how much I would miss having someone in bed with me. Yes, I had to share a room with max, but not a bed, it would be slightly strange.

She went silent and just hugged me.

I carried her upstair and laid her down on the bed.

"Come on, I want one last night with my girl before I leave" I smirked.

Sophie's POV

I was driving Carlos to the airport. I didn't want to see him go. I told myself over and over that I wouldn't cry, that I would be strong for him.

I could see him looking at me as I pulled into a parking space. I already had tears in my eyes. He squeezed my thigh, telling me that I would be okay. Everything would be okay.

I went up to the check - in desk with him and to the terminal. As far as I could go. He out his suitcase down and hugged me tightly. I couldn't hold the tears back.

"Hey, don't cry, it'll be okay. I'll text you as soon as I'm there"

"I'm going to miss you so much"

"And I'll be back on Monday" he smiled down at me. Tears were rolling down my face fast, not stopping. Like a waterfall. He looked at me square in the face and wiped the tears from my eyes. I could see them forming in his too. He gave me one last kiss, picked up his suitcase and walked down the terminal. Watching him walk away got me more. I walked back to the car, out my head on the steering wheel and cried.

Carlos's POV

I watched her tears fall as I tried my best to wipe them from her face. I could feel myself tearing up. I didn't realise that it would be this hard to leave her. I kissed her for one last time and walked away.

I knew that if I didn't, I wouldn't leave her. I didn't turn around. I didn't want to see her cry.

As soon as I got onto the plane a tear fell. Whether it was in excitement or happiness I don't know, but all I knew was that I was going to Australia for my first ever Formula One race.

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