eighteen ; safe and sound

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"WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN, ASHLEY?!" Bella's voice bellowed as me, Jessica, Tyler and Mike sung terribly to Cake By The Ocean, Tyler showing us his 'amazing dancing skills which will blow everyone in the prom' which was the next day.

Jessica was going with Mike, and gave him a subtle glance every few moments as we quietly discussed our dresses. She had to buy a new one, and went with Lauren the other day, while I was stuck on Shower Duty with Bella.

Ever since Bella and Edward came back from Phoenix, Bella with half of her limbs in cast because she stupidly broke them when she went head to head with the hot blond vampire, they were together constantly, except for, surprisingly, when she was showering. Then it was either me or Alice who suffered from her never-ending whines of "ouch, it's too hot!" or "damn it, it's freezing!", and on special occasions a dirty look which obviously meant "I hope you burn in hell", though with Alice she was much nicer.



Either way, I had the beautiful pink dress I bought last time we were in Port Angeles. When I tried it on for Tyler, he looked at it very approvingly before summarizing it as "damn Ash, you look like a hot princess."

"Your sister is a party pooper," Mike stated once he turned the music down.

"Tell me about it," I smiled, before turning back to see the dress Jessica was showing me. We decided to browse through the prom dresses top websites, find cute dresses, and order some once the Prom season will be done with and the sales would start.

"So when do you plan on getting to prom?"

"It starts at seven thirty, right?" I questioned, doing simple math. Jess nodded, "well then, I'll be there at... something like eight thirty?"

"What, it's super late!" Jessica refused to my statement.

"It's fashionably late!" I explained, "did this term never gotten around to Forks? It's basic stuff."

"No, you'll be there at eight sharp! That's the latest I will allow!" 

"Eight thirty."

"Let the hot princess be, she's going stag and she needs a dramatic entry to make everyone get a --"

"Not in front of my girlfriend, dude!" Mike stopped Tyler before he managed to say anything. Jessica and I exchanged a look, confused as to what Tyler meant to say.

Then we both caught on to what Mike said.

"He called me his girlfriend!" Jessica urgently whispered.

"Either you, or my pillow," I replied lowly.

"Hold on, you're going alone?" Mike wondered, making Jessica realize that part as well.

"How are you, from all people, going alone?"

"Well, I almost went with Jacob Black, but he tried to get me to go with Paul, and I just got super awkward and told him that I decided I should be cool and go stag."

"No, I meant, how come you're not going with," Jessica paused, lowering her voice, "Jasper Hale?"

"Jasper?" I questioned. I mean, yeah, I kind of liked him, but he was a vampire, and our relationship stayed the same as it was right after Phoenix; We were friendly as ever, except for having less touch boundaries. "Nah, we're buddies."


Yeah, I'm in love with all of my buddies.

Best buddies.

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