three ; falling

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"Mr. Molina," Mike greeted.

"Mike," the Biology teacher replied. "The Swan Twins, I presume?"

"Yup," I grinned, walking past the fan, a chill passing me as it blew a breeze towards me. "are all of you crazy, or something? You're living in Forks and you have fans?"

"Well, actually, fans blow the air that is around them, so--" I gave Mr. Molina a look and he sighed. "I'm guessing you're Ashley," he noted, "Charlie warned me from you." I frowned, but nodded, "please take a seat next to Ms. Harrison."

"Sure Mr. Molina," I smiled, hoping that Ms. Harrison was any good at Biology, because Bella made it obvious before that she was done helping me with my homework.

The whole lesson was just a huge blur, I couldn't understand a thing, and most of the time me and Kelly- Ms. Harrison- giggled at our failed attempts. We were sitting directly behind Bella, and I knew that it was probably making her angry as hell, and I had a feeling I was going to get an earful after class.

At a certain point, Bella turned to glare at me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Listen to him," she hissed.

"I am!" I defended, and Mr. Molina suddenly turned to me and Kelly.

"Ms. Swan, Ms. Harrison. Could you answer this question?" I looked at Kelly nervously, but she was glaring at the board intently, trying to figure out what question was he talking about or any sort of an answer. 

"Well, the square of--" Kelly eventually tried.

"Wrong class, Mr. Harrison."

"Well, you see," I started, my 'bullshit my way through it' mode on again, "They are symmetrical," I stated, and surprised, Mr. Molina nodded. Well, everything good is symmetrical, that is true.

"Correct, and what else?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, surprised it worked so well. I looked at the board, just catching glimpses of words before turning back to Mr. Molina. "Well, obviously also... the cell layers."

"Right, flatworms have three, while most symmetrical cnidarians and ctenophores have two cell layers."

"Yes, obviously," I agreed. We were studying about flatworms?

Kelly turned to me, making me shrug, and then we burst out with laughter, making Mr. Molina look at us again.

"Something funny, girls?"

"Just, Bella told us a joke," Kelly smiled, making my sister sink lower in her chair.

"Why don't you share it with all of us?" Mr. Molina asked.

"No, really, it- it's not funny," Bella tried, "I'm sorry for the interruption."

"Bella's just shy," I waved it off, having enough history with class interruptions to know that once the teacher asks for something like that it doesn't end until he either gives you detention or hears a joke. "I'll tell it."

"Oh, God," Bella sighed.

"What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with breast implants?"

"I don't know," Mr. Molina said after a moment, "what is it?"

"Well, one's a crusty bus station, and the other is a busty crustacean." Mr. Molina thought of it for a moment before chuckling.

"It sounds similar, that's why it's funny," he nodded, "nice joke, Bella."

"Thanks Mr. Molina," she muttered. 

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