five ; flashlight

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I keep my eyes shut.

Charlie was on his way, I told myself again and again, they said Bella was okay. Calm down.

"Ashley," a voice suddenly shook me away from my thoughts.

"Dad!" I called, standing up. He didn't slow down so I just followed him. I wondered if he was the same when I was at the hospital just a month prior to that.

"Is she okay?"

Bella had to be the talented soul to stand innocently next to her car while someone- specifically, Tyler- loses control on his car and almost hits her. Somehow, she walked out fine, according to anyone that stood close enough to her.

"I don't know, no one let me near her."

"Bella," Charlie said as he opened the door. He walked over, not before glaring at Tyler and warning him.

"You okay, Ty?" I asked him, making him nod. 

"You all right Bells?" Charlie asked, standing next to her bed. I plopped down next to her, shifting uncomfortably. Hospital beds were the world's least comfortable beds.

"I'm fine dad, calm down," Bella assured him. 

"I'm sorry, Bella," Tyler spoke up, making all three of us look at him. "I tried to stop."

"I know, it's okay."

"No," Charlie immediately said. "It sure as hell isn't okay."

"Dad, it wasn't his fault."

"You could've been killed, you understand that?"

"Tyler didn't mean to," I spoke up. "He likes Bella, and anyone can loses control over his car at a day like that."

"Yeah, and I wasn't killed," Bella said sternly, "so..."

"You can kiss your license goodbye," Charlie said, glaring at Tyler. I rolled my eyes. Angry Charlie was annoying.

"Dad, it was an accident," Bella repeated. "You reacted better when Ash almost died, and that was intentional."

"Ouch!" Tyler yelped, jumping away from the nurse. He obviously stopped listening to us, fortunately, or else Bella would have had a reason to stay in the hospital over night.

The door was suddenly opened and a blond man in a suit and doctor's coat walked into the room, confidence leaking from him in waves with each step.

"Why does she get the cool doctor and all I get is Dr. Sleepy?" I muttered to myself.

"I heard that the chief's daughter was here," the doctor spoke. His face was as white as his coat, but even as ridiculous as it seemed, he was still good looking in an almost annoying way.

"Dr. Cullen," Charlie greeted the man.

"Charlie," he said with a smile. He walked over to us, taking the chart in his hands. "I've got this one Jackie," and with that, the nurse was gone. "I take it you're Isabella," he spoke, looking to Bella, who had the thing that checks blood pressure around her arm. 

She nodded, but I sighed. "She prefers Bella."

"I can talk for myself," Bella glared at me.

"But you won't," I shrugged.

"Jesus, Ashley." Bella sighed.

"Wait, Dr. Cullen like the Cullens in school?" I finally made the connection. Bella literally covered her face in shame.

"Are we really related?" She asked Charlie.

"So I've been told," he said, patting her shoulder. I simply rolled my eyes.

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