eight ; drown

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 I woke up screaming, trying to get through the water keeping me from the real world, making it harder to breathe.

I felt like I was drowning, and couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face, sobs shaking my whole body as I tried to grab something.

I felt someone hugging me closer to him, and I immediately recognized the familiar scent of my father as he held me, trying to get me to relax.

As I finally managed to see again, blinking away tears, I saw Bella standing there behind him, worriedly peering at me. I shook in my father's arms as I willed myself to calm down, but everytime I tried to, my breath got caught in my throat and I felt like I was drowning again.

"Honey, it's okay, you're safe," he soothed me gently, running his hand through my hair. I hiccuped as I hugged him back, trying to hold onto something.

"It's okay."

"Oh yeah, it's a little family thing," Bella stated as me and Tyler walked past her, Angela and Jessica.

"What is?"

"Um, at the dance, when I need to... you know."

"Ohhhh," I nodded, not knowing what she was speaking about but going along with it. "Yeah, right. So I think I'll be at Phoenix."




"Jared said he'll talk to Charlie, I don't care," I sung, skipping off. The bell rung and I caught up to Tyler, happily discussing which kind of dresses guys think are hot and which are not.

"I can't believe you'll be going to Phoenix for your boyfriend just for the dance."

"He isn't exactly my boyfriend," I admitted. "We're on and off but he's one of the best people I know and I'll go to the end of the world for them."

"Hi, Ash!" Jessica called, running up to us. "Listen, Angela, Bella and me are going dress shopping in Port Angeles today. Are you up?"

"Sure!" I turned to Tyler. "I totally need your opinion."

"Nah, you've got Angela and Jessica to help you," he waved off, looking at Jessica. "Jess, you help her find the hottest dress there is."

"You're coming to the dance?" Jessica asked, smiling. "With who?"

"I'm going to a dance in my old school in Phoenix with my kinda-boyfriend."

"That's great!" she cheered, "send me pictures and everything!"

"Sure will," I grinned, enjoying the sun. I linked my arm with Tyler's as the two of us went off to P.E.

That day we played Football, and a few times too many, Tyler tackled me to the floor, making us both laugh as the teacher glared.

I quickly got rid of the mud (100% Tyler's fault) and the sweat at the showers before throwing on a brown loose dress with a small tribal-like black drawing in the middle, carrying my black leather jacket and walking out of the Gym, towards the truck.

"Okay, so just drop off the car at your place, change," I heard Jess speak, "and then we'll pick you up and go off to Port Angeles."

"Cool," Bella nodded, and I jumped at her. 

"Hi guys! Off we go?"

"Off we go? Dork," Bella muttered.

"Bella?" I asked sweetly, making her hum.

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