two ; don't worry

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Bella and I had a fight over the music, and the fact I was insisting on keeping the window open, Bruno Mars singing loudly from the CD.

"It's March, the middle of the semester, and I need to enter the school's parking lot with Bruno Mars playing very loudly. Like we don't have enough attention over us." Bella muttered angrily to me.

She hated driving alone with me.

"My policy is very clear, Bells. There is no such thing as too much attention, therefore, no. We do not have enough attention over us." I told her.

"You're ridiculous."

"Hey, it could be worse," I shrugged, inspecting my nails before grabbing my bag.

"You could be me." I flashed her a smile, rolling the window shut and jumping out.

"Nice ride," someone called.

"Better than having none," I shot at him, scowling. 

"True," he muttered, "luckily I do have one," I looked at the car he was leaning on. It seemed the norm for Forks, and for the norm, it was good, so I decided to be nice.

"And a nice one."

"Thanks," he grinned. "Tyler," he introduced.

"Ashley Swan," I smiled, shaking his hand.

"Oh! The famous Swan Twins!" Tyler said loudly, and Bella already left me.


"The two and only," I grinned. Tyler grinned back for a moment and when he opened his mouth to talk again the bell rung.

"Well, we're late. What class have you got first?" I made a funny voice with my mouth, checking my timetable.


"Too far for me," Tyler shrugged. "Have fun finding it on your own," I saluted, starting to walk away. "See you at lunch!"

"Bye Ty!"

I quickly walked to my Spanish class, where I looked to a free spot.

"Miss Swan, I presume?" a voice asked, and I turned, coming face to face with Mr. Newman.

"Yup, Ashley," I introduced.

"Sit down next to Ms. Cullen," he instructed.

"Yeah, and I know who that is," I muttered, making a dark haired boy grin at me. His eyes were gray, which was always nice. 

"The only one that sits alone," I looked around, catching a glimpse of a pale- as in, almost white- girl with a cute pixie haircut. She was beautiful, no denying. 

"Couldn't just say that from the beginning?" I questioned, and started looking her up and down and walked over. Her outfit was amazing, but was put together to seem casual. Ms. Cullen seemed to be from a fairly-wealthy family, from the various new collections on her. He started reading the names as I smiled at Alice. "Hi, I'm Ashley." 

"Alice," she smiled back, showing pearly white teeth. "I hear you and your sister moved here from Phoenix."

"Yeah," I smiled. "Bella," I informed, trying to remember what class she moaned about having first. "She is... Uh, I think she's risking everyone's life in Gym."

Alice chuckled, the sound probably reminds me most of angel's laugh. "Not very athletic?"

"Let's just say that there has been an incident with a chair which proved the chair is more athletic."

"You don't sound like a great sister," Alice teased with a kind smile. 

"Well," I paused, looking at the teacher as he called my name, "I think that yesterday, in the flight and everything, was the longest the two of us spent together since we were kids."

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