Chapter 3

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Calum's p.o.v

"I want to do this every night for the rest of my life." Luke slurred as he took another sip of beer.

Well, it wasn't bear, it was a kind of rum-- really, it was the only type of alcoholic drink we could get as kids in secondary school.

It tasted like shit, but it got the job done.

"I have a hole in my life. I feel like there's a part of me missing in my soul." I mumbled, not really comprehending what I was saying.

"Fill it with this." Luke handed me the bottle.

"I want to move to America, they have pretty girls." I said to myself.

"Mmmm me to." Michael was currently sitting on the grass, extremely intoxicated.

We were outside of his house in the backyard. It was about midnight.

"We have school tomorrow." Luke sighed.

"Fuck that, I never go to school." Michael began to stand up, but quickly fell back down.

"You know what, I'm tired of this." I crossed my arms.

"You what?" Luke looked at me funny as I pulled out my phone.

I scrolled through my contacts until I found her number and called her.

It took a few rings, and I didn't think she was going to pick up at first.

"Hello? Who is this?" Cate answered.

"Oh-- you deleted my number. Well, I'm not gonna tell you who I am because you should be able to tell by the sound of my voice. Oh wait, my voice pro'ly changed. It's me though, I think you should not be mad because it's been three years and I'm not doing well and--"

"Calum." She stopped me.

"Oh, you know it's me." I smiled to myself.

"You're drunk... You need to leave wherever you are and go home." She told me.

"Oh, no I'm fine."

"I'm coming now, okay?" She hung up.

"Oh no!!! I'm not prepared. I need to take a shower, Luke help me!!" I screamed.

Luke took a bottle from our stash in Michael's shed and poured it on me, "There."

"Oh. Ok." I slicked back my hair with the liquid on my head and the rest of my body was drenched.

A few minutes later, I heard her.

"Um, Calum?" Cate timidly walked towards the boys and I, "It smells awful back here. Why do you have alcohol all over you?"

"Oh," I walked up to her and hugged her, still not aware of what was going on, "You smell good."

"Oh god." She murmured.

"Shhhh," I put my hand up to her face, "I missed you."

"Um, alright." She grabbed my hands and held them in her own.

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