Chapter 2

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Calum's p.o.v.

I was looking for my history book inside my locker and I couldn't find it.

"Why can't I find it." I murmured to myself.

"Is there a problem?" I heard a voice behind me.

"Michael, do you know where my History book is?" I asked him.

He completely ignored me and turned to Luke who was walking slowly down the halls, clutching to his notebooks,"What's wrong with you?"

Luke shook his head, not wanting to say anything.

"Michael! Where is my Book?! We're able to use it for a test and I have no idea where it is! I'm failing this class and I could really use an easy A."

"It's at my house, I told you I was going to use it." Michael told me.

"Why the hell did I give you my locker combination," I sighed in frustration.

"Do you wanna use mine?" Luke asked.

"We aren't in the same class, you're in a higher level than I am." I slumped against my locker.

"It's the same book. Here," he handed me one of the many books he was hauling around, "excuse the notes."

"Woah." Michael murmured.

Luke gave me his history textbook and there were sticky notes coming out of it from every direction.

Papers were falling to the ground out of the large textbook that appeared to be just notes Luke had taken.

"Has your book always looked like this?" I wondered.

"No, I just annotate when I'm nervous." Luke said.

"Yikes dude." Michael laughed a little, still looking at the messy book in my hand.

"You okay?" I frowned.

"Anatomy sucked today." He sighed.

"Did you get a B on a test?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows.

"No. We have an in-class project and my partner is--," Luke gulped, "it's not going to be fun lets just say that."

"Who's your partner?" I asked.

"No one. It doesn't matter. I should go to my next class now." Luke but his lip and began to walk away.

"Ten bucks says it's one of the girls." Michael told me and I sharply hit him in the arm, "OW! What? It would make sense."

I rolled my eyes and made my way to History.

Every time Michael mentions any of them, which seems to be frequently now for some reason, it pisses me off. I don't like bringing them up because it's taken me three years to get over everything that happened and whenever our past is mentioned it just makes me depressed.

I don't know how Michael can just simply say 'the girls' like it's no big deal.

Sure, they're strangers to us now, but in the beginning it was bad.

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