Chapter 1

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A/n; HELLO AGAIN !!!!¡¡¡.

I'm very excited for this book, it will be a lot better than the first one. I just reread the first book and I realized the characters said "what the heck" a good bit.

They also talked about things being awkward ALL the time, so I'm going to make this book much better lolol.

However, I still recommend reading so you can understand the backstories and be introduced to all of the main characters. It's short haha.



Michael's p.o.v.

"Okay, you can blow them out now!" Calum said to me.

"I'm trying to soak in the moment." I told him.

I was currently stalling, just to make him angry.

You could tell he really wanted a piece of cake.

"Michael, I'm going to hurt you." He threatened.

"It's my birthday, I can do whatever I want." I joked before blowing out the candles.

"Yay! Happy sixteenth Mikey." My mom smiled and took a picture of me.

"Thanks Mom." I half smiled and Calum began to cut the cake by himself.


Cal and I started eating, but before we knew it, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh! Come on in." My mom said to whoever was at the door before going back up stairs.

"Sorry I'm late." Said Luke as he walked in.

"Took you long enough." Calum turned to face him when he sat down.

"I was just filming a new cover." He informed us, "I don't think I'll post it though."

"We need to make another one all together." I said.

Luke took a piece of cake, "We also need a drummer."

"Well, there's always--"

"No." I interrupted Calum. "We can find a different person."

The room fell silent.

There were occasionally these moments when we mentioned our past from the beginning of secondary school, and It was unsettling.

"Well, you guys get along with me now, right?" Luke broke the silence.

I shrugged.

He was right.

We actually only started talking to Luke again last March.

He started posting these covers on YouTube and they got a little popular.

Long story short, we have a band now called 5 seconds of summer.

I don't know what it means, I just kinda came up with it. We aren't really that great of a band either. We don't actually have any gigs, we need a drummer for that.

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